Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Ash Wednesday,  a reminder of our mortality...from ash to ash...a humbling thought ...that one day, we return to dust....and must return home to the Creator. This  period of Lent, opens the heart to new awareness,  charitable deeds, care ,acts of fasting, abstinence and doing good.... a good deed to self..... that  we allow ourselves a chance to redeem our not so worthy human nature........that we give ourselves a chance to live again. 

Placing the sign of  the cross to our foreheads with  ashes .....adds  a further significance..... a sign that we have burnt away  the negative side of us,  rid ourselves of the many weakness and unworthiness , the big "I" in our is an indication that we are repentant, that we are starting to walk once more in  Christ's enlightened ways. ... The old sinful self ,  is no more- it had been reduced to ashes and now  a new self emerges......

Ash Wednesday, a beautiful and meaningful start to the season of Lent and it begins today!

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