Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lent- Musings from the Homilies

Scripture tells us that the Spirit led Jesus  into the wilderness  where He fasted for 40 days and  even though  Satan did his darn-est  to tempt Him,  and wild animals were a part of the landscape, but the Lord did not waver and He preserved  the period of fasting, because the Spirit and the Holy angels were with Him.

Lent, brings  to mind, the significance of that 40 days of fasting, the  location....wilderness away from the crowds and  the distractions,  the call of the world.....It is in itself a beautiful lesson  that  solitude , calm, quiet and space is required to forge togetherness with God. Space?? Yes do not want anything in the way to  prevent you from holding hands with your God....and that holding of hands is so vital, because then His spirit will be able to communicate with you, fortify you, that you stand on solid grounds all the time. Where He is, the angels are..... and so you shall be sheltered. You would want Him to yourself,  mediate and just enjoy the  silence to connect with Him. The short silence after the Eucharist this morning, was movingly poignant , because bread had been broken and the body shared.. and .....hmm should I describe that feeling ??? Warm ...yes warm holiness enveloping you,  arousing emotions and a prayerful state ... that you reach out to the Lord God on a personal capacity,...spontaneously thanking  Him..  that He gives you the Spirit of resilience, discipline,   to make this period of Lent meaningful.

Wild creatures not only abound in the wilderness...they are also within us, monsters of our nature and constitution . Lord, that you give us the strength to resist and overcome the  mountains of  weaknesses and negative excesses...that we have the strength to  turn our backs on the seductions of Satan. and the  devil in ourselves. .

Can we do it ourselves and succeed without prayers???  Even the Lord constantly prayed  and call upon the presence of the Father, all the time, yes, all the time... what more we,  mere humans??.  In the wilderness of  this earthly realm, no one can claim to be in  total control of his human nature......and being his own Script Master.  Let's just  look at something very, very basic   ........... fasting and abstinence from food and the  excesses of life....I don't know about you guys, but  over here,  strangely, the first few days of Lent were really quite  draining. The list of  "must do", drains away faster than water from a burst pipe! Your pledge of fruits only for lunch became big plate of rice...and funnily, you still get hungry, right after  that! Each time, you tell yourself.. Fast!, the stomach growls.... krooo  kroooing away......and a little voice  whispers in your ears...what's the harm???just a! eat! eat!  On days, when you tell yourself  firmly, veg, you suddenly develop  the cravings for meat. Hell! , and you are not even a great fan of the meaty stuff!! Without the Lenten pledges, we actually did a better job, abstaining from our vices, and the daily indulgences.  What's your say people? Satan and his  army of tempters  having a roaring  time at our expense??? . Thank God, for prayers huh???Believe it or not, prayers does sustains us, in many, many ways. We stumble and fall but kneeling and calling out to the Divine brings us upright again.

The significance of Lent goes far beyond mere daily abstinence, fasting and conquering of personal weakness.......but let us tackle the basics first, work within our limitations, before looking so far ahead... ...(you achieve far more that way,) .instead of attempting to conquer the whole wide world and falling flat on your face. Me? I am taking it slow, I would be satisfied if some of  my resolutions  has a tick at the end of is better than making no efforts at all.

This is a time of  self renewal; .....a  treasure hunting expedition ..when you are given a chance to accrue marks for  yourself in the Book of Life. Slowly but surely....  you  accumulate and chalk up  enough of virtues   for that welcome into your heavenly home when your time on earth is finally done.  Have you stepped out of that starting point yet ??

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