Friday, February 3, 2012

Sea of Candles

What a meaningful  start to the Feast day Novena of our Lady of Lourdes, Klang!!. A sea of lighted candles, sparkling, glowing  bright  greeted this Blogger when she entered the church compound  last evening. A storm thrashed just before,  bringing  down the little store which sold holy articles by the side of the church building. But the Lord is great.!! Parishioners  came in multitudes, they braved the heavy rain, ....they    filled up the church pew until, it was a tight squeeze. The wind and the rain did nothing to dampen the spirit of the faithful ; neither did it caused the candles to flicker sirs, they were all burning brightly, manifesting the power of our Lord God and the grace of our Holy Mother.

 A blessed candle works wonders in moments of darkness..... distress, need, confusion and fear. Would you believe Yours Truly, if she were to tell you that  praying with a blessed candle in such needy times, brings out the inborn sort of flood over you.. comforting you with the certainty  that God is listening  to your prayers??? You must have heard the saying???  God's light shines bright, , even in the darkest of the night. You are not alone, He is with you!!! Sure the candle has no power.. it is just an object, but associate it with the blessings and Higher Power..and something called faith moves in a little bud...opening and blossoming into a beautiful flower......... If you are down below, it lifts you up and transport you to the surface again. If  darkness is swallowing you,... blessed light shines into your corridor and you see again...

The feast of Our Lady of Lourdes is special, because, the grace of the Holy Mother is immense and  powerful...Remember she was divinely honored to be the mother of the Redeemer,  and she waits to pray for you!!.

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