Saturday, February 4, 2012

Farewell Father John Surain!!

 OLL will miss you!!
 A pic with Father Surain -
 for cherish remembrance 

You came, you shepherd, and you won our hearts! 

Thank you for good spiritual guidance, thank you for soul healing homilies! We shall miss you but  no fear, Kepong is just a long jump away, bet familiar faces will continue to crowd your pathways!!  Father Surain is leaving OLL for Jesus Caritas Church, in Kepong Baru, Kuala Lumpur, as their new Parish Priest. Peace of Christ be upon you- Rev and God Bless!!!

The Gist of Father Surain's concluding homilies
 as Asst Priest to OLL

Homily on Saturday 4th Feb 2012 -Peace: Worldly peace is so fragile, it can shatter any moment, any time, any place, but the peace of Christ, calms and soothes , even in the midst of  deep sufferings...It restores.....

Homily Sunday -5th Feb 2012- Patience : Patience invites foresight into our actions that mistakes are avoided and rashness dispelled and wisdom shapes our movements. The Bible says, God created the universe in seven days....that in itself shows patience....Sometimes the things we want and wished for,cannot be given to us straight away...for a reason..... a good reason-and those reasons will be made known in time... As humans, it is natural to question, but do not allow those  questionings to lead you into despair , have patience, trust.......Know this: He, God  is always with us and all will be well...Good food for the keeping!!
Farewell dinner
Parish Priest Rev Father Michael Chua
(blue shirt )  with parishioners

with Asst Parish Priest,
 Rev  Father David -middle (red collar)

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