Saturday, June 30, 2012

Truly, I believe,  Man Plans, but God decides!! So many plans , remaining a dream...
and only He could start the engine and get it running and purring.    How many of us, wish, we could just move-direct  the hand of God , just a little that  His timing falls in line with our own schedules . Wouldn't  we just love that!!! 

Those who have to work to survive, have no option but to chose survival over dreams, those who depend on the sweat of their brow and labour for today and tomorrow, have no choice but to choose bread and butter over   the other  more worthy joys of life. For these people, the time of serving and giving on a higher level, may never come, ....this grace is not theirs to have in this lifetime.....theirs is the labour and toils of  the fields and plains entrusted  them and yet trust they must,  to fulfil the designs  the Lord God has planned for them.  

Tuesday, June 26, 2012



It was part of the HRC Seniors Retreat  Programme, last weekend  to participate in the evening mass at HRC, before we called it a day; in thanksgiving for a safe trip;  also- not to miss the Eucharistic celebrations for the week. So, it was ,  that we were privy to yet  another interesting happening, to top up a fun weekend...... 

Parish Priest
Rev Father Joachim Tan

pleased with the good turn out
and support shown to our
East Malaysian and Indonesian community

We were told that it was the Kaamatan & Gawai Mass animated by the East Malaysian brethren, in thanksgiving for the bountiful harvest this year and it was to be celebrated in Bahasa Malaysia. Nothing, however,  prepared Yours Truly for the proud display of culture , the eye catching costumes beautifully worn by our East Malaysian brethren to celebrate their harvest festival, giving them an identity that is so uniquely theirs. The Harvest  festival is very much part  of their roots. Their attire added to the cultural tone of the occasion and you would  be forgiven, if you thought you were somewhere in Sabah! This writer was totally charmed, by the whole set up , gentle, polite  and beautiful smiles of those present for the celebrations, and  those lovely, lovely children! Ah! what wondrous grace you bless us with Lord!!

Rev Father Valentine Dompok
with members of the East Malaysian
In his homily,Father Valentine Dompok who presided over the celebrations,  described the Kaamatan & Gawai Mass,  as  cultural thanksgiving to God , using culture to express appreciation and gratitude to God for his Providence and bountiful harvest. Indeed! without God, can the fields be fertile and the crops flower in abundance for a fruitful harvest??  Way to go Father Valentine Dompok..very interactive and you made us laugh as well!!
After mass there was fellowship complete with a cultural show at the HRC community hall, and I tell you people, amazing range of goodies...with some very authentic East Malaysian dishes to booth! Intriguing taste, unusual...... .This writer took the opportunity to chomp into  each speciality just for the experience don't get to eat  East Malaysian dishes everyday, unless you are over in the Eastern region-SOooooo... 
traditional dance 1
Traditional harvest dance 2

Congrats to our East Malaysian and  Indonesian community, who had gathered together to put up such a splendid show and made available the   beautiful sharing of cultural  celebrations and joy!!  

Monday, June 25, 2012

HRC Senior Citizen Retreat @ Port Dickson (June 23rd & 24th -2012)

It was a fabulously  fun filled weekend with the Seniors of Holy Redeemer Klang at their  Get Away -destination - the Baptist Centre in Port Dickson over the recent weekend. Truly,  a weekend of happening  which literally transformed Yours Truly and the rest of her fellow participants from matured and golden to  children  once more- young, agile, feisty !   No  inhibitions- jumping,clapping and cheering, as the activities ran its less than young primary school children!! ..Like Sports Day and there were so many events and relays to beat the hell out of competition and grab some prizes!!....Red, Blue, Green, Yellow House and YT was with the red team!  All without exception were eager to thrash competition, so you better watch out!! The air were ringing with  shouts of Oi! faster faster lah!! Run! Run !! Aiyoh!! don't know how to roll the hoopla hoop also ah??!! The not so fast ...go stand somewhere in the middle...

Alas! Yours Truly, could not scoop the sweets out of the plastic container...and was banished to stand towards the to lah?? her teeth just couldn't grip the plastic spoon firm enough to get the sweet out..those sweets  just kept  slipping from her plastic spoon, instead of climbing up and sitting firm !!! Talk about stomping on them!! Then there were water balloons, walking with an apple on the head, squeezing water into a water bottle, untying the knot... yeah! she did great, at least some of the events!!

Afternoon, with the sun beating down, it was indoor activities...sessions of tombola...First time YT heard of that word . Slips of paper and a pencil??? Whatever for?? But now, after the weekend, she would probably look you in the eye and say, Bingo!! Guess what??  She actually  Bingo twice and pick up a couple of neat prizes. Zillion thanks!!!
Zillion applause, be  happy always!!
Thanks for participating in our
Seniors Get Away Event
 lovely people from the Philippines
and Myanmar 
Hei guys, if you want to know about rooms and facilities. Here goes - Clean comfortable rooms with  aircond and water heater-that means hot water bath . High marks for cleanliness as well -  clean bath rooms too.   How did the organisers look after the welfare of our stomachs??? Plenty of good food, for the yumming.......water dispenser......let me try to count...western breakfast, morning tea, afternoon lunch (extra large portions) afternoon tea, followed by dinner .(again extra large servings) ..come evening....barbecued sweet corn and sausages and people! we were all stuffed right up to our noses!! Oh yah, not forgetting the birthday cakes for babies of June and guys! guys! we were also privileged to share in the happiness of  Ireneaus Bay and his beautiful wife Letty Lim- Married for 21 years!! May God bless you both with everlasting happiness , a golden wedding anniversary and   more!!# Ireneaus and his wife are not anywhere near the stage of seniors...they were there to  support  the seniors..lending  skills as a guitarist for the praise and worship session. Thanks both!!

The sea was lovely, the waves, a natural massager....and the evening sun mesmerizing ...guys...the picture speak for itself, have you ever seen anything as fantastic as this?? Looks cool doesn't it??

The night was equally interesting... There was the  Sing Along session of Oldies,and  while the generous workers of the Lord were having a "smashing  time" barbecuing sweet corns and sausages around the  roaring bon fire ,  us seniors were having a jolly good time singing  along to the lyrics of favourite oldies, having a gala time bonding with one another. The more energetic had a amazing time line dancing  Come on! Shake your bum a little! Keep up the good cheer.  Yes! That's it, move, exercise...keep your limbs strong and supple!  Good for blood circulation and muscle building.!
Peter Chan thanking Joseph, Michael and
Fransciso Max for all their help to make the
barbecue session such a great success.
The Sunday morning, Praise and Worship session was memorable -  soulfully conducted and full of heart. Thanksgiving,  gratitude, grace and harmony. Spirit inspired.!

Thanks guys, thanks for the relaxing time, the opportunity to interact and get to know more people and just be one of you!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day Draw

Golden  numbers for the picking but
get me IPAD or not??? 


Father's Day is also D Day -the long awaited  Raffle Draw day for all you generous supporters out there!!  Remember guys ,  the three IPADS 2  up for grabs ??? 
                                            Working Committee hard at work-  Checking & double checking the Raffle booklets                              
The Happening Draw took place  this morning, Sunday, 17th June 2012, @! the Lourdes community  hall Klang!!!  Were you there folks?? Were you one of the lucky winners??

                                           Briefing scrutineers -hows & whats                       Guys!  This is how it should be done

Alan Goh-organising the draw
What exciting moments!!  Hopes & Wishes!!Those who had bought the tickets were in the hall to witness  the very prim and proper draw of the lucky ticket numbers, complete with scrutineers and strict observances of procedures. Hoh! don't play!  play!! . Reminded Yours Truly of AGMs, Lotto draws...the numbered and coloured miniature (pin pong??)  balls, scrutineers,  randomly picked volunteers from the audience for the picking of numbers-one set for the consolation prizes and the other set for the main prizes. The public display of numbers drawn- visual and  written on the white board- , monitoring, verification, confirmation  etc..etc...Very Serious & official  lah!!

Ticket holders and the hopefuls were excited  and why not?? We were talking about IPADS- folks, three IPADS for a minimum investment   -who doesn't want to be a winner??? Hope was certainly floating in the air!!Yours Truly was also keeping her fingers crossed, as well- turned out one of her "investors" was a huge winner!! What suspense! What expectancy !...Big, big sighs, for some .... .... yeah,naturally winners were all  smiles !!! Congratulations people!!

This exercise is for Seniors Seniors from all angles,  you are all winners!! And to you generous supporters & donors out there, many thanks and  God Bless your generous hearts!!

Show the numbers drawn to the floor
& the scrutineers!

And we have a winner!!
All smiles -Steven Raj  with his winning

And now one for the album 
The Working Team,
& Who's this?? A very sporting and
supportive Brother Gregory Chan!!

Fathers ' Day Celebrations-OLL

Father David wishing all Fathers -
A very happy & Blessed
Father's Day!!

A packed congregation at the Lourdes community hall, to celebrate Father's Day-this Sunday morning!!!! Fathers!  Your Families and the whole community salutes you!! What a show case of appreciation to fathers-songs, poems-  entertainment  to serenade you guys!!.
Let's bless all Fathers
Fathers, sure are a shy lot- the brave
few who came forward to
cut the cakes.

Father David was present  in his capacity  as Parish Father to the flock at OLL, Klang.   Indeed, this is also  a day of celebrations for all priests -Parish Fathers as well!! You guys listen, teach and guide and many a time lend empathy  ears, when we needed a friend.

The serenading team
Ah! special blessings for Fathers as well!  Oh ! Pa Pa/s!!  What giant cakes!! Two huge lovelies in a row!! May you always have sweetness -everyday of your fatherhood!! Happy Father's Day one and all!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Psalm Speaks!!

Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways! You shall eat the fruit of the labour of your hands; you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you

Psalm 128:1-2

Friday, June 15, 2012

Song of Praise


The desert has sprouted life
Oh God,
The lifeless creek-
Revived once more.
You have opened doorways
As only You could-
This monstrous   dead end....
transformed -
A parting of the seas;
A passage of hope.
New Pastures.. fresh horizons..
Spring in Autumn!

No longer, does my feet stumble
in clueless directions
My thoughts have arisen above
 foggy confusions
I found the seedlings,
The readied  fertile fields, Lord ....
And I am ready to plant and harvest
what You have planned for me...

Billion smiles brighten my pathways
Friends encircling, goodwill aplenty-
It's You Lord-
Showering reasons for me to smile...
Fruitful  purpose for me to
complete my journey

It's your Presence Lord
Steadfastly fulfilling me...

And I am so thankful.  Lord,
You never gave up on me..