Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kingdom of God


When I was much younger .... I saw the Kingdom of God as a destination, a place where we all  meet again ( well, only  the good people that is...)  after our worn out bodies had been discarded. That entry into Heaven - Kingdom of God  comes with a price-living a good life and being worthy of  heavenly  abode. The nuns would always tell us, be good , do good, do not listen to the whispers of the devil  or he and his servants will  lead you into fire and brimstones, one way ticket downwards. I do not know whether this is true, but apparently, each person has a guardian angel who stood on one side (back of one shoulder) , while a creature with horns and tail stood on the other side.    The angel stands for good... conscience...he holds a light.....the devil - temptation and his mission is to take  away your good points..... and does he regale in that role! Each time, the devil scores...our guardian angel weeps because you are pushing  him a little further away from you...thus your light dims a little.....and you shift  from the lighted area into the dark and he weeps for you. 

Now,  I realise, we not only have to determine  the WHERE but also WHAT is the kingdom of God??? True, the   Kingdom of God does go upwards towards Paradise, where we will rest in eternal peace and never be in need of want again . BUT it also refers to the state of mind., here, now, while, we are still journeying......Heaven on Earth, where you will experience no  lacking whatsoever  but exist in a sphere of fulfilment, a state  of peace, tranquillity, contentment,happiness and good health. That is Paradise, that is Heaven, and  the Lord has given us the formula to enter into this  " Kingdom of God" where we attain that state of grace... How??Love and honour God....Love thy neighbour as yourself. The spirit of giving, practising love.....Imagine people! if everyone practices that philosophy, the world will circulate and radiate with love for one another and isn't  that a manifestation  of the Kingdom of God??? Ever wonder why some people, especially the religious ones- have such  radiant and peaceful look on their faces???That is because, they have found the meaning-the answer to the kingdom of God and are living  in that sphere of blessed tranquillity.  

Remember the Lord's prayer???Thy Kingdom come"...Peace, Love, Contentment, everything good .." come and live with us ... What more do we need???YES People???.... 

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