Friday, June 1, 2012



After mass last night, to celebrate the Feast of the Visitation and close of the Rosary month of May, hundreds gathered at Wisma Lourdes Klang, to pray for our beautiful nation, the land we call home. 

It was a meaningful candle lit gathering asking God to bless our nation   .... that   peace and harmony, continues to thrive and live in our homeland. There is something about lights from a burning candle.. that adds to the significance,meaning and spirit of  the event.... As prayerful voices rose in earnest,  the heavens opened and wept a little  .. ...perhaps at  this  show of solidarity,  the combined forces and  strength of prayer,  ........first it was only .light drizzles...then it gradually becoming heavier.......but rain did not dampened the spirit of the only added to their faith and resourcefulness! 

Light refreshments and fellowship followed later, to the delight of the provided a platform of ..."getting to know you better"....and " how have you been keeping?"...friendship and community. 

We as Catholics, we as Christians, we follow One  who is the very essence of  Peace and Love itself ; let us not lose sight of what He represents...the very person of Him and the very grace,  such gifts endows , because these are the foundations  and basis which allows continued smiles,   laughters  and togetherness to continue circulating and flowing  through homes, communities, societies and our world. ..... Let  each and everyone of us , embrace and appreciate our given gifts and  pray  that  each rising sun steadfastly  bring in treasured peace and harmony,  now , tomorrow and throughout  the generations to follow...  !

We love you Malaysia!!

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