Friday, June 15, 2012

Song of Praise


The desert has sprouted life
Oh God,
The lifeless creek-
Revived once more.
You have opened doorways
As only You could-
This monstrous   dead end....
transformed -
A parting of the seas;
A passage of hope.
New Pastures.. fresh horizons..
Spring in Autumn!

No longer, does my feet stumble
in clueless directions
My thoughts have arisen above
 foggy confusions
I found the seedlings,
The readied  fertile fields, Lord ....
And I am ready to plant and harvest
what You have planned for me...

Billion smiles brighten my pathways
Friends encircling, goodwill aplenty-
It's You Lord-
Showering reasons for me to smile...
Fruitful  purpose for me to
complete my journey

It's your Presence Lord
Steadfastly fulfilling me...

And I am so thankful.  Lord,
You never gave up on me..

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