Saturday, June 30, 2012

Truly, I believe,  Man Plans, but God decides!! So many plans , remaining a dream...
and only He could start the engine and get it running and purring.    How many of us, wish, we could just move-direct  the hand of God , just a little that  His timing falls in line with our own schedules . Wouldn't  we just love that!!! 

Those who have to work to survive, have no option but to chose survival over dreams, those who depend on the sweat of their brow and labour for today and tomorrow, have no choice but to choose bread and butter over   the other  more worthy joys of life. For these people, the time of serving and giving on a higher level, may never come, ....this grace is not theirs to have in this lifetime.....theirs is the labour and toils of  the fields and plains entrusted  them and yet trust they must,  to fulfil the designs  the Lord God has planned for them.  

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