Friday, May 31, 2013

Power of Prayer

Are you broken? Are you weaken in your spirit? Are you suffering? Do you know what the Bible tells us? Prayers powerfully and earnestly prayed with a pure heart is immensely powerful in its effects. James 5:17-18 says:

Elijah was a man of  like nature with ourselves and he prayed fervently that it  might not rain and for three years and six months, it did not rain on the earth. Then  he prayed again and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth its fruit. 

In your sufferings pray for deliverance. In your happiness, thank and praise the good Lord.  James 5:13 exhorts us:

Is any one among you suffering? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let him sing praise. 

Talk to God as a child would  to his loving Father. In your moments of dejection, ask for deliverance.... in happy times, delight and marvel in the blessings of the Lord God. 

Do you know that with appreciation and thanksgiving, you increase the bond between your heavenly Father and yourself? 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Praise God

There is so much to thank the Good Lord..there is so much to celebrate. He has opened the doorway of grace... inviting peace and contentment in.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

BEC news

picture-illustration only
I was at my BEC Potluck night -the closing of the Rosary month, last evening. This amazing husband came with a birthday cake for his wife and we all sang our heart out to wish her Happy Birthday. Who wouldn't when this man so lovingly stood by her side while, she made her wish , blew her candle, cut her cake and then fed her a piece of  heart?? Hei, Mr. Husband, that was a lovely gesture, a lovely gesture indeed!!  

The BEC dug into their kitty and came up with a lovely Mother's Day cake for all Mothers as well, and we got the men to sing a Mother's day song for all mothers and sang they did, beautifully too, to the tune of the happy birthday song sang earlier. 
See you at the next rosary guys!!

The Lord Delivers

When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me...He will bring me forth to the light; I shall behold his deliverance..Micah 7:8-9 

We are living in such turbulent times that everyday is a challenge and for some a nightmare. Many have lost faith in the institution of Life. Many despaired of their daily existence, food, survival, employment, a roof over their head, education for their children. They face dead-ends all the time. Many wonder if home remains home. Peace seemed to have vanished . And as if all the worries and anxiety of the world is not enough, nature sends in more challenges and hardship...the extreme weather..the typhoons, the floods, the volcanic eruptions , earthquakes, disasters and so forth..

For people of our times, reliance on self , earthly supplies and our human brethren, alone  cannot guarantee survival well being .... that living  goodness, that peace can only come from powers  above. Turn to the word of the Lord, my friends. Hold on to  the promises contained within. Mediate on it and confidence will return, because it brings God into your life. Remember, He is the refuge, the rock, the fortress who shelters you  and me from the storm.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sensitive people to avoid or to care??

Two birds were twittering and as I drew near, they fell silent..."What?" " Oh nothing! Just a little gossip..see that lady over there? Apparently she is very sensitive so it is best not to speak to her too much but if you do,careful what you say...she might take offence, You might hurt her."

I looked at the demure lady, sitting alone...She was polite, she was pleasant but certainly on the reserved side , but so what?? She's being just her. I asked my friends , "Is it only you guys on this mission or what? "Hell no," they laughed, "everyone has been warned to take care and not to break the glass". "Oh dear! "Hey guys, I think you people are on the wrong track, doing more harm than good ..if you go around doing things like that  you will be  alienating her for then no one dare go near her. Everyone is like."distant yourself, keep your distance"  and she will be left without friends-  a dusty framed picture placed high up in that top shelf!  Not that she needed this type of friends though! What brought this on?

"Not sure, it could be  xxxx aiyah! Just  handle with care  lah!." Not sure, it could be? Do you guys know that your actions have  turned her into porcelain. There is this created  perception fixed on her image-highly fragile -stay away. But is she really that fragile for goodness sake?

Guys, consider, we often talk about "this person is sensitive" ," that person is really sensitive" but what is your definition of sensitive and really sensitive? How true is true?? Has the whole picture being misconstrued? Perhaps the person who started the crusade  is actually the sensitive one or misguidedly read too much into the situation, whatever that is. Whatever it is, my belief is , his intentions are noble, and pure, only unintentionally harmful in the long run.

To divert a little, let me give you an example -  as a blogger , when I'm touched by something I read in the main stream papers, what I see around me.. xtra, I would take that as a topic  to post a little write up ..I may raged and rant a little, but can that be classified as sensitive? Yes and no..depending on your own level of sensitiveness and your understanding of the total situation. What about   people's natural conclusion, the ones who know you in person??.."Someone is giving her a hard time ...she is angry with someone..." "She is in need of help" extra. YT says, be grateful and thankful that people are concern for you. Reach out to appreciate them but  never allow people's feelings, care and concern to prevent you from writing what you feel -Think- to Hell , who cares what people think? If you care so much what people think, then, you cannot write!" And writers write in order to bring in the awareness, the education, and yes the sheer love of writing!!

But  broadcasting that a person is very sensitive and telling people around her to be on alert mode all the time is destructive, because you have planted a negative seed into another's mind and that creates a barrier to friendship and relationship. That creates fear in another's mind. My own thinking???"Aiyah...stay as far away as possible to avoid trouble." Yours Truly says, Peace is much better , more healing, and  kinder to allow that person to be herself...but you on your part be more understanding, friendly and caring. The mission should be.".let us make her feel more at home in our circle, community, let us show her, we are real  friends.."....

Remember guys,  being sensitive is good because..foresight comes into consider, you discern and you act accordingly, you have the right degree of feelings to dispense care . But I do agree "Too Sensitive"  is not so good. If you are too fragile, you will probably be left in a safe corner -all alone, covered in dust. And that is exactly what you guys are doing!! See the danger, the harm you're doing?? You are not helping, you are widening the gap,  preventing free and easy flow of communication-creating negative energy around this person!! Not so good huh??

SO advice..Quit that mission of  the behind the scenes,  ninjas - it is more helpful, more is more caring to shower warmth, thaw the cold off the other person that  person  lose her fragile state, lead her on to  become stronger!!  Alternatively, patiently, allow her to test her own footing and learn in the process. That is showing sensitivity ,that is the meaning of  true friends!! Love you guys!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

I always felt, the teachings - "do not give to dogs what is holy" and "do not throw pearls before swine, lest they trample on it and turn round to attack you " is very applicable to the every day living. 

What means "holy", in non religious terms? Something precious and of immense value to you., yes,  sacred to your heart. It could apply to culture, family, home. It could very well be things, issues, close to your heart.and in corporate sense-.important matters, that has a direct  effect and impact on the foundation , development and progress of your establishment. Would you trust those affairs, those matters to people who are not qualified,-do not have the depth, the foresight - not of the quality and capability to handle the task? And would you open your inner most chambers to strangers, people of  unknown , questionable background or  expose your trade secrets , private information, valuable information to the untrustworthy? That would be self inflicted destruction of your own doing. 

To Yours Truly, the term "dogs",is  mere term referring to the "unsuitable". but not necessarily harmful. Remember,  in many cultures, generally, dogs are domesticated therefore of a certain level, intellectually. They are not up  to the task to handle the "very important and the crucial". Recognise that for your own peace of mind and theirs!

"Swine" on the other hand has a  different connotation altogether. It gives the image of enemies, harmful  people  who steal and take from you. How many times have we heard of people suffering  misfortune due to  misguided trust??. In today's world, anything can happen. Remember while we have wolves in sheep's clothings, there are also "swines" out there, wearing different skins-devious chameleons who worm their way past our defences and then strike out against us. Caution and wisdom  is the word.

The teachings of the Lord is so amazing. If you are willing to look beyond traditional interpretation ,stopped being the stuffy traditionalist, the know all....the Bible is the living tool to just about every area of living. So many secrets lies in the many cures, so many remedies, so many answers all the ingredients to the Kingdom of God and our daily survival!!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Do not give to dogs what is holy; Do not throw your pearls before swine. lest they trample them under foot and turn to attack you. Matthew 7:6.
Bible Reflections-Marie Lee

I have pondered over these words, a hundred and one times, at times questioning, at times critical,  at times wondering. As the days grew longer and the evening sun shone in, I realise just how wise those words were...For what do those who do not comprehend and totally oppose our belief  care about or recognise the holiness of our holies and our reverence of what we consider sacred? To them, , that is just object, of no substance, or relevance.  Knowledge is not opened to them.

To those outside the pasture, the holy cross is just a cross. To the people of God, it represents Salvation, redemption, the unconditional love of a Father for his children barred from Paradise because of the sins of their first parents and now given a chance to return and be reconciled with the Father and Creator . He- loving them so much, comes as  His Only begotten Son to bring in Salvation and Reconciliation. Do you see the image of The Prodigal Son-The undying love, of a welcoming Father who forgives, even though He was so hurt and so wronged??

What do  unbelievers, those who have no knowledge  of  Jesus, the Christ as the Redeemer-understand the bond, the lifeline that is the Body and Blood of Christ? We have heard of people wearing the clothes and mask of the faithful,infiltrating into the pasture . They receive the Holy Body of Christ, only to scorn its goodness , its  holiness and in private, throw it away......trample under foot.  In the words of the Lord Jesus, Forgive them Father, they do not know what they do. Their eyes do not see the precious pearl, the Holy Spirit is not with them- they have not been chosen... privilege and grace have not been given them. Truly,  only when the Father ordains -faith flows in  and with it the life force, the belief, the adoring heart- the reverence  the peace and harmony of  being with God-the Father Almighty. 

Many paths lead to God...not all are chosen to walk in the light of Christ...

Next- the relevance to everyday living-non religious significance.