Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Be your worthy self

I  want to get out of a very human habit - trying to please and  impress others all the time.Getting all  stressed up, yet leaving oneself unfulfilled.. For a change I want to please myself. Closed doors, I will skip, I will spend more time appreciating the ones that are open. I will move away from anything that smells  politics that downtrodden the less fortunate..Do I need to be part of their establishment? Do I need to hang behind them and take in their  fart, all the time?  

Do I need to mindlessly follow their every endeavour, be their tool to fulfil their agendas to the extend of  hurting myself? Didn't God give me, my own turf ,  didn't He give me intelligence and a sound mind to discern? 

You guys out there- you who continuously  tire yourselves out to please others and at the end of the day, pleases no one, no, not even yourselves. Are you not fatigued? 

Spare some time, spare some thoughts to please and love self, establish your own identity-then you have your own anchor to reach out to others-NOT to inhale fart but stand worthily on EVEN grounds with others -focused  and be able to do your own thing. 

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