Monday, May 27, 2013

I always felt, the teachings - "do not give to dogs what is holy" and "do not throw pearls before swine, lest they trample on it and turn round to attack you " is very applicable to the every day living. 

What means "holy", in non religious terms? Something precious and of immense value to you., yes,  sacred to your heart. It could apply to culture, family, home. It could very well be things, issues, close to your heart.and in corporate sense-.important matters, that has a direct  effect and impact on the foundation , development and progress of your establishment. Would you trust those affairs, those matters to people who are not qualified,-do not have the depth, the foresight - not of the quality and capability to handle the task? And would you open your inner most chambers to strangers, people of  unknown , questionable background or  expose your trade secrets , private information, valuable information to the untrustworthy? That would be self inflicted destruction of your own doing. 

To Yours Truly, the term "dogs",is  mere term referring to the "unsuitable". but not necessarily harmful. Remember,  in many cultures, generally, dogs are domesticated therefore of a certain level, intellectually. They are not up  to the task to handle the "very important and the crucial". Recognise that for your own peace of mind and theirs!

"Swine" on the other hand has a  different connotation altogether. It gives the image of enemies, harmful  people  who steal and take from you. How many times have we heard of people suffering  misfortune due to  misguided trust??. In today's world, anything can happen. Remember while we have wolves in sheep's clothings, there are also "swines" out there, wearing different skins-devious chameleons who worm their way past our defences and then strike out against us. Caution and wisdom  is the word.

The teachings of the Lord is so amazing. If you are willing to look beyond traditional interpretation ,stopped being the stuffy traditionalist, the know all....the Bible is the living tool to just about every area of living. So many secrets lies in the many cures, so many remedies, so many answers all the ingredients to the Kingdom of God and our daily survival!!

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