Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Be charitable,practice kind thoughts, kind feelings, kind actions!

Do not be quick to despise the crankiness- the  absent-mindedness of the old and their oft dis-connectivity, with the world around them... empathise......it is not that they want to behave that way. It's the unavoidable  effects and ravages of advancing years.  Just nature  running its  natural course. Though medical science, exercises and healthy living lessen the effects, yet many, if not most are unable to control the consequences of growing old and they go  a little off track. Remember, everyone- young or old, wants to be in tune with the world around them. They want to on track all the time!!

Life is a circle. You make your entry from your mother's womb , travelling through the paths of life  and then at the end of your journey, you exit from existence. This is a predestined circle, non escapes from .Therefore, be charitable; be understanding, be kind to others and that kindness returns to you when your footsteps reach  similar paths and direction.

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