Sunday, July 14, 2013

Just Thanks God!

Have I sin Lord? I ask for forgiveness. Have I place you second Lord?  I ask for mercy! 
Stay with me Lord, for your presence strengthen and straighten me!

As the day wears on, riches and wealth matters not so much, it is the good health, strong bones, peace of mind that stands increasingly tall. What becomes  more precious are happiness and contentment, the love, cherishment and understanding of people who matters in our lives. What increases in value are sincere and genuine friendship from those walking with us.They, that see not the colour, the race nor the creed. They, that see not the status nor how you look like. In their sight,we are  fellow travellers, brothers, sisters in this broad highway of life. They, who see us as fellow spiritual beings , who will one day exit from the tunnel of life, when our purpose is completed and our visa expires.. 

Turn your attention to those who matters, those who love you and you never noticed. Time to turn away from the illusionary and the artificial and safe keep the jewels and precious gems. They will not stay forever . Others may find them and hold on to their preciousness. Appreciate and the appreciation flows back to you.

How beautiful life blossoms when you fertilise them with harmony and love! How much more meaningful if you look into the mirror and see  true reflections! Journeying! It is all about the laughter, the togetherness, the kinship and the rewards of a rich and fulfilling lifetime, able to look into the setting sun and send up heartfelt thanksgiving...Thank you God for everything!

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