Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The day of the wicked has ended.

The light of the wicked is put out and the flame of his fire does not shine..Job18:5

The sweets of the Wicked  do not last forever. They have had their time, and now it is over. The light of the wicked runs out and their run of good fortune ends..... calamity befalls them and strength is torn from them ...

Patience often bring in its own rewards. Every dog has his day. Whatever others inflict upon you, rest assured, they will be dealt with similarly. You who  weep because of the wickedness of others, be comforted...though  the wicked are allowed their time to do what they want, the law of  " free will" but that does not last forever ... It is the law of the universe that they move away from that favoured spot after some time and let somebody else occupy it. The good doers will receive blessings and the wicked will receive just wrath. 

YT always tell  suffering people. Life has its own laws. Do not lament over much, lest you drown in your own sorrows. Instead, focus on planting a solid tree-a fruit tree then slowly but surely, you will be able to pick the rich fruits from that tree.

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