Sunday, September 29, 2013

YOU are the potter, we are the clay

Shall the potter be regarded as the clay? Isaiah 29:16
Do you think you could hide from the Lord the things you do in secret and in the dark? Do you think no one can see you and know of your doings? 

God moves in mysterious ways. All will know and see His might in their own way and in their own time, both the positive and the negative. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Steadfast Trust

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; he bestows favour with honour. Psalms 84:11

And I a  journeying pilgrim, looks in thy direction and fill my heart with steadfast trust, your chosen paths for me - the wisdom of your timing for the colours and beauty of life's essence. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Breath of God

In him we live and move and have our being- Acts 17:28-for we are indeed his offspring.
Be conscious that Life comes from God, we are a part of his living breath....if He takes it away , we return to dust and are no more.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Agree with God and be at peace; therefore good will come to you. Job 22:21

The vital  crucial step to attain happiness.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

In God's Hands

If we need to boast, let us boast in glory of God, for what have we, that comes from ourselves??. What we enjoy is not from God?? 

Every achievement is a blessing pleasing in His sight,our daily happiness, a loving and caring gift. Let no man arrogantly glorify self, for he  is nothing without the might of God. Know and accept  that everything is in the hands of God.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Food for thought

We can never be 100% free of evil, we can never hope to have 100% sincerity because man is born  with  strong yearnings for the desire of the flesh-  a combination of good and bad, more inclined towards the dark side. ....Therefore always, always, keep a part of you private. Be completely transparent only when you converse with God.

Good intentions are often lace with expectations for self.  We are surrounded by  temptations, our pathways are strewn with the illusions and the pleasures of ego and the  flesh. No matter how good our intentions, there remains  a morsel of Self.- the terms and conditions in the small prints state a  barter trade of sorts. .I do this for you, you give me that........I do this because...........I want....

A smile could just be an upward twist of the lips without the feelings. Look into the eyes for the clue. Mere Politeness or the genuineness of the heart?

Nobody is truly good, just as nobody is really bad. Each has their own story, reasons -the whys..... Even the most harden criminal has a soft and pure side, the most wonderful person-a spark of evil in them.Reflect.!!

Therefore be not judgemental, for each sin in his own way...rather acknowledge this weakness as part of every human constitution. Be forgiving for you too need the forgiveness of others . Work hard  to contain the bad, so that goodness may be more prominent, for the harmony and the peace.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Christ is Arisen!

Our faith and belief is in the Risen Christ, that God, in the form of His Son, came to redeem and secure our release from sins. Having secured our release, bridged the gap and rekindled the bond between God and man, he is now at the right hand of the Father. In his absence, he has sent the  Holy Spirit to guide, lead  and watch over us until he comes again.

Christians must remember-the good Lord is no longer crucified,  the cross cannot hold him, the tomb cannot enslave him. No evil can hold him! He has defeated Death! He has Arisen!  The mission has been accomplished ! Who are we to depict him otherwise?

The spirit of God rests upon his redeemed. And the redeemed  has to move forward - actioning his teachings and commandments- putting into practice, Love and Charity, letting good works glorify  his holy name- Christ arisen and very much alive.  That is significant because Christianity,  is walking in the Way and the Truth, into the Doorway of life.

Two things followers of Christ must bear in mind, 1) the redemption of sins (and that can never be obscured-should never  be forgotten)2)  but greater still, the acknowledgement, the proclamation  to the whole wide world " Our God is risen, he is alive! .Let us not crucify  him forever, let us start acknowledging him as the Arisen Lord for that is the faith and belief that upholds   Christianity.

That is what gives the power, the hope,strengthening of faith and meaning to the mission of Love and Charity, . That is what glorifies his mighty  name.

Because He is Arisen, hope arises and leads us  into LIFE!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Glorify God

In John 15:8 Jesus told the disciples, “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit.” If  our given  talents and gifts  bear fruits, we are glorifying the might of God. Our success, our achievements, give glory to God. Therefore always strive to be fruitful and work hard for your attainments.
 Psalm 50:23 says, “He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me.” Appreciation acknowledges the good providence of God. It tells the whole heavenly Father loves me and it manifest his Holy Name.

“I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am” (Philippians 4:11). Contentment glories the blessings of God-discontentment is another form of questioning and blaming.Learn to look deeply beneath your discontentment. Many blessings, you  overlooked  or taken for granted lies embedded within and that has allowed you to live even in your discontentment.  Have you ever wondered, how you managed to survive the hard times?

Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son
” (John 14:13). 
End your prayers with "In Jesus Holy Name Amen".  We have been left with a powerful legacy..Why do we still hesitate, why do we still doubt? 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Musings from hear say

Moderation is fast fading and extremism taking over, so will the world be floating with EGO and more EGO? Will religion be more people centred and less of God?  Will faith community loose its unifying strength when too much Self infiltrates and pollute  the oneness of community spirit?  Will "friends" make you feel more lonely than being alone?  Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink!! You may be surrounded by people who claims to be friends but do they make you feel alien??  

People are making use of the dark forces for their own gains, no distinction to religious background. Some one told me that there is a Thai magic which actually obscure  the presence of the one who uses the charm and he/she could stand right in front of you and you would be UNaware of them.  A lot of bad intentions could be carried out. 

There are whispers that black magic is an everyday practice and is already culture among certain  groups of people. They use it to control and manipulate.Is that why sometimes, we behave so confusingly stupid , a complete dork, inexplicably  idiotic? Is that why sometimes, we feel as though we have lost our minds? 

Stuff  for a fiction write! Aiyah, yah! what is the world coming to??. Big eyes and big ears all around us and now they openly use the dark elements. Frightening eh? 

SO how can we make use of our faith to fight  the negativeness and lessen the impact of the gathering evil that's is even now working around us?   Chew, chew harder  People!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Let God's presence shine!

Let thy compassion come speedily to meet us, for the glory of thy name; deliver us, and forgive our sins for thy name's sake! Why should the nations say, Where is their God? Psalms 79:8-10

Do not constantly lament and cry in questioning state, not knowing what wrongs you have done, rather recognise your lacking and acknowledge your short comings and then ask for forgiveness. 

Only then, will you be able to listen to your conscience, right the wrongs, and allow humbleness to fill your  heart that the mercy of the Lord is invoked and He comes with his compassion, to forgive and deliver. 

Bring in his presence that others might not make a mockery of your faith ..because God is here all the time.It's your faith, trust, belief and thanksgiving that glorifies Him and keeps Him steadfastly by your side. Let His presence shine forth in your life!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Thoughts for the day.

It is he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom and by his understanding stretch out the heavens...Jeremiah 51:15

We are the little puzzles which makes the earth complete ..Which creator, which architect , is more all seeing , clearer in his vision  and wiser in his discernment  and creation , than the Master craftsman who wrote and sculptured  our  very existence? Every existence is crucial, none is less important,  for each have been given their  defined purpose and role on the stage of  earth's living. and yet each has been given a freedom of choice to define his end product. Each little footstep  has been scripted., with the provision "Will" built in.. Therefore is it not wise that the scripted ,walk through every path performing with courage and confidence and yet with great patience? 

No one know where their  paths will lead them, and yet, those who are industrious and trusting in God   are blessed with good fruits and comfort to the ends of their days. It is a blessing-a result of your relationship and bond with God.

Man has been given a mind, brains and a will The frame work has been laid out, the paths drawn...but...the horizons are yet colourless....the individual has to bring in their own colours. Have you fully made used of your given assets, your talents to achieve maximum results in whichever direction you were destined for? 

The fields and the paths  are bare, waiting for  each and every traveller to sow,  beautify , enhance and make fruitful those paths, they travel in . Will you have a beautiful garden or a piece of infertile land? Your will power comes in, you have a freedom to choose...get into the act and  bring in plenty of fruits and blooms -be a joy to others, OR sit and expect the manna to drop from the sky.  The power of choice! . 

Nothing comes easy. Happiness and satisfaction, comes with  alot of sacrifice and letting go of the selfish worldly desires. The attainment of the more worldly, often comes with a dent in personal calm, unless you have learnt the art of balancing.. Strange isn't it that you have to forgo something in order to receive another??. Perhaps it has something to do with the mathematical precision of achieving balance in living. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Power of love in daily existence

Hold unfailing love for one another since love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter  4:8

Man is born into trouble Job 5:7 : that being so, what becomes of us if love does not exist? While trouble bites us, love comforts and heals. When burden strikes you weary, Love lends her compassion. When enemies surrounds and alienate you, Love comes with hugs and mighty respite. 

When the world curse you for your sins, love feels for you. Unfailing love bonds, and unite a family, a home, a community. For who has not sin? Who has not done things, they should not do in a moment of madness, rashness? The sinner in each and everyone of us cry  out for understanding, empathy, sympathy, friendship, forgiveness when we're  down at the bottom desperate  for a lifeline. 

Love overlooks your sins, and with compassion lifts you out of  despondency. Love heals your broken paths, mends your bridges that you may continue walking  amongst warm  support and empathy. Without Love where would we be?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

God shows no partiality

God shows no partiality, whatever religion, status, race, which part of the world we're come from-there is absolutely no border. God is one- the ever Supreme Universal salvation. Without him, there is no life nor existence. 

No man owns God nor any name by which the human race knows Him by. No, it is God who chose us, owns us, his moulded and created, for his intentions and his purpose that we walk in the paths he destined us . 

I love this depends not upon man's will or exertion, but upon God's mercy...Romans 9:16