Monday, September 9, 2013

New culture for Seniors

He who observes the wind will not sow; and he who regards the clouds will not reap. Ecclesiastes 11:4

Once upon a time, 55 is old and on the way out. Today, 55, 60  is new  life in a different platform. Out of the challenging times and the changing culture, has emerged a different breed of  seniors, I call them the experienced navigators of the seas, who has no qualms  continuing in their quest  of  productivity .and self sufficiency. Some are driven by monetary need, others just the sheer pleasure  to actualizing dreams, they had  kept aside in the name of family responsibilities.

To gain respect, you have to worthy of respect and that does not happen if you tell the world, you are tired, old and in need of handouts.

 Filial piety is altogether a different matter. Our children must be brought up to be filial, for the preservation of family virtues, which must be passed on to preserve family units and the marriage institution- the commandments of old-Thou shall honour thy father and mother  But that does not mean, you can expect the world from your children- burden overly. Be considerate, Contribute, make yourself useful. It adds on to family harmony.

The world have become border less with the explosion, the invasion  of the internet and all of a sudden-  distance becomes least  issue- everything  is  just a click away. The world have been brought into our homes. Everything is changing. Mindset is changing.

 Retired no longer mean "on the way out",.."one foot  inside the coffin". In today's world, it just means, moving on to a different platform. Research has proven that active  mind and physic do keep ageing a bay .Eating right , exercising correctly keeps the limbs and bones  strong . Tons of vitamin pills and health enhancers easily available -also work wonders  at preserving health and energy. The Well-being industry  has never been more healthy . It is so happening  and gaining momentum daily, I believe, their sun will never set.. .

What then is  stopping seniors from the many pursuits of living? Why should the experienced navigators be relics, history when they have so much to offer? Silver and greys can be very becoming if you take pride in self quality,  if you refused to be cowed by the perception of others and with courage find new platforms for yourselves.   Always be presentable, put on a touch of perfume..., make it pleasant for others to be in your company ,always be ready for opportunities  and get into the act with  defined purpose. Sometimes, seniors run faster, do better! Bear that in mind.

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