Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Musings from hear say

Moderation is fast fading and extremism taking over, so will the world be floating with EGO and more EGO? Will religion be more people centred and less of God?  Will faith community loose its unifying strength when too much Self infiltrates and pollute  the oneness of community spirit?  Will "friends" make you feel more lonely than being alone?  Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink!! You may be surrounded by people who claims to be friends but do they make you feel alien??  

People are making use of the dark forces for their own gains, no distinction to religious background. Some one told me that there is a Thai magic which actually obscure  the presence of the one who uses the charm and he/she could stand right in front of you and you would be UNaware of them.  A lot of bad intentions could be carried out. 

There are whispers that black magic is an everyday practice and is already culture among certain  groups of people. They use it to control and manipulate.Is that why sometimes, we behave so confusingly stupid , a complete dork, inexplicably  idiotic? Is that why sometimes, we feel as though we have lost our minds? 

Stuff  for a fiction write! Aiyah, yah! what is the world coming to??. Big eyes and big ears all around us and now they openly use the dark elements. Frightening eh? 

SO how can we make use of our faith to fight  the negativeness and lessen the impact of the gathering evil that's is even now working around us?   Chew, chew harder  People!!

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