Saturday, September 14, 2013

Power of love in daily existence

Hold unfailing love for one another since love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter  4:8

Man is born into trouble Job 5:7 : that being so, what becomes of us if love does not exist? While trouble bites us, love comforts and heals. When burden strikes you weary, Love lends her compassion. When enemies surrounds and alienate you, Love comes with hugs and mighty respite. 

When the world curse you for your sins, love feels for you. Unfailing love bonds, and unite a family, a home, a community. For who has not sin? Who has not done things, they should not do in a moment of madness, rashness? The sinner in each and everyone of us cry  out for understanding, empathy, sympathy, friendship, forgiveness when we're  down at the bottom desperate  for a lifeline. 

Love overlooks your sins, and with compassion lifts you out of  despondency. Love heals your broken paths, mends your bridges that you may continue walking  amongst warm  support and empathy. Without Love where would we be?

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