Monday, September 23, 2013

Food for thought

We can never be 100% free of evil, we can never hope to have 100% sincerity because man is born  with  strong yearnings for the desire of the flesh-  a combination of good and bad, more inclined towards the dark side. ....Therefore always, always, keep a part of you private. Be completely transparent only when you converse with God.

Good intentions are often lace with expectations for self.  We are surrounded by  temptations, our pathways are strewn with the illusions and the pleasures of ego and the  flesh. No matter how good our intentions, there remains  a morsel of Self.- the terms and conditions in the small prints state a  barter trade of sorts. .I do this for you, you give me that........I do this because...........I want....

A smile could just be an upward twist of the lips without the feelings. Look into the eyes for the clue. Mere Politeness or the genuineness of the heart?

Nobody is truly good, just as nobody is really bad. Each has their own story, reasons -the whys..... Even the most harden criminal has a soft and pure side, the most wonderful person-a spark of evil in them.Reflect.!!

Therefore be not judgemental, for each sin in his own way...rather acknowledge this weakness as part of every human constitution. Be forgiving for you too need the forgiveness of others . Work hard  to contain the bad, so that goodness may be more prominent, for the harmony and the peace.

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