Thursday, March 13, 2014

Free flow thoughts about Writing, teaching

Dramas, shocking the senses out of people...invoking  your reader's feelings......writing tips are aplenty  in the Owl's bible. I've tried just about every techniques taught..yes..certainly passionate words do appeal to readers, but there is also the danger that people identify and associate you with those scenarios described  ....that  so touched their hearts.....because they sounded so real,  it could only be something in the writer's own life.  Is it? Is the writer really talking about himself/herself or it is just an article or a blog? Keep an open mind when reading thoughts and views. Opinion articles are more for the sharing and best read for the enjoyment and the awakening of the mind.

Stories, thoughts, and views are the easiest to write, because they are your opinions and your creations. They do not need the formality of evidence unless you want to provide more authentic reading. What you think is personal, nothing to do with facts, more the feelings. But  with facts article and academic writing, it is  is another matter-you do need the facts, the support evidence, your source is from another person and .credit must be accorded.

I've have always been a free and easy  writer and I'm best when my thoughts are allowed to flow naturally into  their own conclusions.But I'm learning that for the factual, you need referencing, you need citation...tough going for a person who is used to the " open and the wilds"  but it feels  so good once you have successfully embedded those "academics"  into your piece of work...even if it is just  a couple-or a  handful.

Additionally, good mentors makes all the difference. It is not the strings of academic achievements a person has that makes a notable educator, it is definitely his knowledge BUT more his  skilful application of  that knowledge in a polish delivery that makes the distinction. That is what transforms facts, theories  into  easy to digest and consumable learning. I've picked up some valuable tips of good teaching from my teach is also to learn and keep on improving. To be conscious of the needs of  those under your charge-the responsibilities entrusted us.

There is a popular belief that everyone can teach, that's why previously, the average had been pushed into teaching. and that's why teachers are so poorly paid. Well, if you give them "average", "pay them average", you get average. For illustration, just look at what we have produced..a sea of unemployable...Alright! , alright!! Maybe there is a hint of "dramatics" there. Let's "ping" up the  credits as well. We do have brilliant teachers and educators, no question about it and it is because of them that we also  have fantastic students but MORE is the word..if we want a smarter future generation. Take care of  teachers and  educators too- you who sit upstairs-they need appreciation too!!

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