Friday, March 14, 2014


What do you think of the MH370 affair, someone asked me...a question not from your everyday kopitam "kaki- the regular "aunties or uncles " you sit down with for coffee, tea or a spot of gossip, but the young people-the youths!! 

A National Disaster that has created so much emotive awareness in a country divided by  racial & political differences!! For the moment there is "peace", a truce of sorts. For the moment, existing ugliness is forgotten, political differences do not matter-we are one people, united in our grief and prayers of hope.All of a sudden, there is this awareness, we are not Chinese, Indian, Malay or other nationalities. Marvellously out of this disaster came the Malaysian spirit, the identity of being Malaysians. We are one Nation, A Family united in grief, watching and waiting anxiously for news and return of loved ones. We,  in one spirit feel for the families and travellers of MH370. 
We are praying and  appreciating prayers from all religion, all races, across all borders...we are welcoming strength from every breath that is Malaysian first and foremost, because we are co-inhabitants and a product of Malaysian soil. We are thankful for the support of the technically more advanced nations, who have rallied around to help and as a Nation we thank them.

The world recognises us as Malaysians and addresses us as such. We looked anxiously at our leaders, how they will stand up to the full glare of  world focus. 

If we criticise them at this time, it is more of how they handle the situation, but the protectiveness is very apparent. 

It is more of come on, Malaysia...this is a Malaysian aircraft..get the correct answers ...provide the right answers. Very crucial -Foremost -must be  the thoughts and care for the families of those on board MH370. It is the responsibility of Malaysia to find that aircraft and find it quickly..whatever the circumstance, whatever the cost. 

Come on Malaysia, the families and those on board MH370 depend on you! The Nation and the world awaits!!

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