Thursday, March 27, 2014

Friends or Foes?

Are you sure the gentle pussy cat
is not the evil witch who will eat you up??
When to speak and who to confide in? Words spoken with the best of intentions and the sincerity of heart could be misconstrued and turned into "chopped onions for the cooking of others". Society is full of agendas, everyone is cooking up something, one way or another and you never know if you have wandered too near somebody's cooking pot and you get burnt.

 I'm still into days past when sincerity and privacy were huge and  prized .  I'm a die hard fan of ,"there is  goodness in everyone".  BUT, I'm now cautioned , you have to be careful who you "unload" your fears and worries to, or even enjoy your light banter with. You could be letting  "enemies" into your inner parlour , unknowingly allowing them to  slice pounds of flesh off you.  :) Kind of , you feel the pain but do not know who is knifing you.   If the world has sunk to that level, can you even recognise the devious in their colourful sheep clothings?

We had an interesting discussion last week. Friends and the loyalty issue. There are two sides to the coin. I'm told, when you are loyal to one camp, you automatically betray the other. No one is completely good or bad; it all depends which angle of the mirror, you are viewing.  What do you believe in? People of  common belief, sees good in each other; thus, they are loyal to one another. To the other other side, you are the bad ones- enemies to be vaporised.  :) Sounds funny, but when I reflect, that is exactly what life is. Taking of sides , the good vs the bad and vice versa, the day and night issue.

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