Monday, March 3, 2014

Look the real you.

For illustration only-source internet
Young, old,  does it matter? I was looking at my profile picture on Facebook. That  was a younger me-taken six years ago. Look Young? Old, or your age? Doesn't matter? Well, it  does  to me. For one thing, I'm six years older now and my picture should reflect my age.

Now the "auntie" word sounded fine. almost music to my ears. I'll tell you why-At the night market-pasar malam recently, I was standing next to a lady,  slimmer than me and quite fashionable too. The young baker addressed me as "Auntie". This lady and me, we were both picking up  cakes. I made my choice, paid and was about to leave, when  this polite young man , very indulgently told the lady, "Be careful with that cake Ah Mah (granny) , it's cheese cake..." A profound silence and then  the  shocked and irate voice of the lady, " Who are you calling Ah Mah! I'm not even married!!!" Woh! I stopped  in my tracks  and stole a  quick look at her face ( one can't risk a stare.., you never know what she would do, in her annoyed state) .

Hmmmm definitely not yet an Ah Mah..Insensitive young man!! Didn't they teach him "business language?" Ms.  or even Ma'am would have sold him some cakes. But then, on the other hand, guess he was just too honest..Indeed...too much war paint on her face-  the type you see on elderly women who wants to  hide their age .....Less is definitely more and younger!!

Needless to say, that young man lost a sale. His mortified and apologetic look didn't help him out at all. She had stomped off.

I  was looking at my profile picture and that image zoomed into my mind. Best to replace that picture and put up a picture that reflects me,  my age. Someone may actually come up to me and tell me , "Is that your face or someone else's??"   That would be an embarrassment But then again, like my students always tell me " why so serious?"I could just smile, look at him/her in the eye  and say, "that's a younger version of me, three years ago, six years're now looking at the real me.....would you give me a plus (+) or minus (-)???

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