Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Understanding that is God

Each and everyone of us are so caught up providing for the family, carrying out commitments that, sometimes, we are unable to do our duty to God, the commandment that we offer our love to one another, offering our services to Church, sparing a thought for others.... . Not just a simple expression of love or good wishes to one another, not just a show of kindness or goodwill, but to give in spirit, energy, service and in monetary be there for a brother or sister who needs your physicial presence and giving.

.A sibling had invested a whole weekend just listening and providing comfort...she sacrificed her rest hours...time set aside for relaxation to provide some form of healing between two loved ones and pray God, everything will be well...Unselfish actions just like that...People! it is indeed  getting more difficult for us as individuals to walk the commandment of Love... because the stress and troubles of everyday living just about overwhelms sometimes, leaving us to focus  on  taking care of our individual needs.alone ... It is unbelievable how this journey could spring so many surprises on us...guess that is what makes life interesting and challenging.

Sometimes, the guilt of not able to contribute to the expectations of others.. makes us avoid the very people who could give us comfort and  strength to do something worthwhile...And sometimes, we cannot catch the attention of the very persons or person, we long to talk to ...communicate...share moments with.....But the good God is always there, waiting, patient, ever-listening and ever-giving...People, even if you fall below expectations, and cannot  give ,  in the manner others expects of you or even ways, you, yourself would have wanted, do not fret,,,reach out, and whisper your limitations  into God's loving ears, ask for his guidance,  trust in his patience, His Peace and His Love, our God, knows everything that goes on in our heart and our lives....He understands and accept us for what we are...

Friday, May 28, 2010

No to increase in prices of fuel, electricity etc...

We are in for a hard time, the fixed wage earners...what with the expected increase in price of  fuel, electricity and toll etc..etc....we will really have to tighten our belts...take a room within walking distance from the workplace, keep all the windows and door open for natural cool air..(if we could keep the robbers and blood suckers out)  more instant noodles.....remove all the whatever it takes to survive! Hello! Out there, EVEN Without  these additional hardships, many people are already finding it a burden to feed their families and just stay afloat....

My Beloved Country, your people cries in frustration and deep anxiety. Your people calls out to their leaders, to spare them this ordeal of more worries, more hardship. It is the people who are on the borderline of "enough" and the  poor (sandwiched in between) that suffers the most, because these people loses out both ways- no help and assistance because they are perceived to earn enough to keep themselves..yet with no means of improving their monthly income..because it is fixed, save to moonlight  to cover the shortfall. In many ways, this group of people are the real poor people and they make up the biggest group. 

The up in prices does not stop there...there  will be an avalanche of consequential  repercussions across the board. Our trusted Elects! This is when, the people of this Land looks up you,  their elects to lead them-out of any impending quicksand that threatens. We have walked on solid ground for so long... and may this Land continue to stand firm and solid for ourselves, our children and the generations to come.

Isn't there a different route  out of  national bankruptcy??? Isn't  there a way, our elects could  spare the "have nots"  and the not so wealthy  people of this land  bankruptcy in their survival and livelihood ? Come on, THINK PEOPLE of this land..THINK SURVIVAL..for all! 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On the trail of sinfully , exotic Food!

Siblings! they could make you do crazy things and don' t you even mention the word age because it is non existent. They are teenagers all over again...and This bunch of  crazy people are going -chasing after good, tasty food....yeah three whole days of stuffing...."makaning" spree.   North is the  place..... they shall sniff and savour  whatever.......wherever.........and come back rubbing their bellies with glee.....(Hopefully, not looking like stuffed potatoes) And this writer says, Gone lah! her intention to eat rabbit food so that she could once again get into those lovely figure hugging clothes! Dream on! Plans gone  flying with the wind already lah! Is there some way, for her to eat to her heart's content and at the end of the journey, achieve a minus  few kilos???? That would be fantastic! Truth be told, she loves food ...she could eat the whole day long and there would still be room in her tummy for more......Sigh! If only her body wallops the unwanted meat faster than she eats...That would be  SOoooooo wonderfully great!...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Deep Reverence -Holy Spirit of God-

The Spirit gives Marie hope and He gives her direction. Somehow,  frustration vanishes and there is eagerness to face yet another day...God in his doting way has readied everything; she  only needed to trust and believe and all will be well. It is amazing how  one single day of the LSS could bring in so much energy; so much empowerment , Listlessness  lost its grip... . The Spirit gives her the presence of well being  that tens of thousands of angels surround her........dear people if you are down in the dumps and seems to wake up on the wrong side of the bed all the time...let the Spirit heal your brokenness, let the Spirit guide angels into your lives so that you  smile again;  that meaning shape your very being and you become much more aware of the many blessings in your lives and praise God with gratitude for this beautiful journey given you.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Life in the Spirit -A Journey

Life in the Spirit, it is not a seminar! Indeed, it is a continuous journey with the Spirit of God. ... Now....right through eternity.. the Holy  Spirit  keeps us alive and  closed to God....And Psalm 103......Marie never really saw the significance of those beautiful amazing words of love  until.this was appropriately high-lighted .tonight......the start of nine weeks journey with the Spirit...It says with great  clarity:

Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me;
Bless His Holy Name! Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all your iniquity,
who heals all your diseases; who redeems your life from the pit
who crowns you with STEADFAST love and mercy
who satisfies you with good as long as you live
so that your youth is renewed like the eagles

Incredibly powerful! People remember these words and believe ..., the Spirit renews and breathes  new life, rejuvenates you each and every day, that you become a new person through the power and love of God. Inspired is the word and yes, there is great certainty  in those words ...God crowns her, Marie with steadfast love and mercy.... The message is for all but Marie is going to be possessive and claim that love for her own...and so should you all,  brothers and sisters...treat the beautiful words of  Psalms 103 as the gift of God's love on  you personally, let your soul rise up and bless the Lord and you will surely experience the goodness of God.

Brilliant is the word Brother Vincent! Surely you have been blessed with the Holy Spirit this night...and yes brother,,walking with the Spirit is indeed a divine experience like one never experienced before! It is a great feeling that God has ordained... every one of our steps...leading back to is His personal Calling that we meet to praise, worship and offer thanksgiving for the STEADFAST LOVE  given us...

Importance of instilling Good values in our young

We were talking about filial piety,a group of us mothers.....and  the conclusion? The sad reality of today's world that children forget that they were born of parents who raised and took such good care of them, as babies, to where they are now.Parents who did everything in their power to  give the best education to their children , food, clothings etc..Emptied their savings for their precious bundles of joy.Then when they are grown, successful and their own person, they forget the hardship and sacrifices of their parents...they thought that they had never gone through the baby and growing up stage and they do not owe anybody any gratitude.They become little monsters..... so common very sad. Of course, we do have the treasures of the earth who shines bright like the North Star but these are so getting scarce ,..endangered species...

A sister in Christ lamented that her daughter a born catholic had never felt the urge to attend Sunday mass, she had also never felt the need to help around the house, do not contribute towards the household expenses and that stresses her. Well, sister, you are not alone in your pain. Many mothers go through similar frustrations. Perhaps they the children, need the gentle breath of the Holy Spirit. Children, brought up in the christian spirit are more loving and caring. Again this is from observations. The stress of living has caused many of us to travel  on the big broad road,   avoiding the narrower path and this has caused actions and life away from God, from the voice of the Holy Spirit. YT believes that this is what is causing parents the pain and heartaches in today's world. We did not work hard enough to instill christian values and upbringing. We did not plant enough faith and goodness into our children and so they are without the nutrients which enables them to  pass goodness on to others, their own parents, their own off springs, friends...communities etc..
God makes the difference. in our lives And YT firmly believes, God lights and guides the hearts of children and all faithful.. if only we open a little window and allow his divine light to shine in....

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Gratitute is beautiful

A daughter gives thanks to her father for the gift of faith..and in full view and hearing of all her friends and faithful. Marie thought she has never heard anything more beautiful and touching. The resounding applause of approval to her action, is testimony to this fact.

How proud her father must have felt; how thankful to God, that he has done the right thing...carried out his responsibilities well. and Marie thought how much more pleased the Father in Heaven if we constantly praise and offer thanksgiving for all his Providence to our needs. Just as each and every parent swell with pride, the acknowledgment and gratitude  of our children,their show of filial piety,  so too our heavenly Father would appreciate our acknowledgment and our constant honour and worship of his love.......but it has to be  genuine and spontaneous, truly from the heart and soul. Folks, let us never forget to offer thanks each and everyday!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Friends, they make your life complete ; they emit in you the glow of belonging, comradeship. It is to friends, we owe part of life's wisdom,it is to friends, we owe part of life's direction. Their hands and spirits help to steer and keep afloat the ship in stormy waters , they bring in the warmth, the fun, the glee , the meaning of living and the resourcefulness to face another day fruitfully, ,Thank you Friends and God Bless

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Basic Home truths

Human behaviour is predictable and very often controlled by emotions and feelings. Every action, every word uttered are products of these two element and mechanisms of the human being- the  brain sending out .powerful messages to act.....if you are happy, happy words flow out..if you are angry..negativeness ..passion, (either positive or negative) tears, depressive feelings, love, joy etc..etc..Complex, is the name of Humans beings and  the balance very often comes from some form of powerful  belief =Religious  or otherwise.  Feelings and emotions are what makes a person tick or sick. The people you associate with in life, either makes or break you. Deceit -white or black makes up a huge composition of  human life . What makes a person fragile and open to attacks are also feelings and emotions..And words very often are a person's it is good to be reserved sometimes. But it is also good to stand up for one's right, and not be cowed by the ploys of others and goodwill does indeed emits  peace and friendship .

Thanks my two friends S & C who gave YT this wisdom.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Appearance in  relation to age is a subject close to this writer's heart. She has been doing her own little research for some time now and always took pains to conduct  little interviews with women who looked very much younger than their age. Their secret ? Many agree that besides eating plenty of greens and fruits.... not thinking your age actually keeps a person young and if you keep on visualizing yourself as someone very much younger, your brains will think young, your cells stays young, your limbs maintain their strength and agility and ultimately, your appearance and body structure maintain their youngish looks. So PEOPLE!!!!please do not think old or GRAN. Age is a MERE figure. And don't you man scoff! It applies to your gender as well!


The Unity word  got Marie thinking. How wonderful it would be if all the churches of Christ, unite and stand as one, same practice, same do's and don'ts....The Person and God in the Lord Jesus, has never been an issue, we are after all , members of his Church, and as Marie's  newly  found relatives puts it " all the same, we are all the same..we all believe in the same God, the same Christ and we all follow the same path" is the practices, the interpretations and the extra, extra, extra..... we are concerned about. This writer always felt that priests and pastors should have their own families as well. Growing up among Methodist relatives, and attending some of their church activities and gatherings,  Marie remembers pastors as very happy individuals always, always with a gentle wife and so God fearing children, all of us wants to emulate. You could always count on one of them to be your friend and man! do  they  go all out to make your life pleasant.

Yesterday, as she busied herself with The Event of the Year, she wishes, all parts of her body will just unite with her wants and plans that is -speak, act and move with precision, direction, focus, and great diplomacy, tact- the  ability to keep the smiles pasted on her face all the time, her limbs moving as fast as her know! the works! but sometimes, the mind tells you something, and the heart the other and so you get yourself all confused and rattled...and become the person, you really, really do not want to be......
Simon says.....Definitely not your personal best babe! I do not know what you were thinking but in an event like this baby, you really have to perform better! Heck, Simon, you were absolutely right ' it is just the Unity word - the mind , body, limbs, heart, brains , etc...etc...etc.. which just refuses to fall in line with the wishes and the wants!.......

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Prelude to the story of Ah Beng Chong - A Real Life Malaysian LOVE story

Ah Beng was sweating profusely, he looked up the sky..not a cloud in the sky. The rays of the hot mid day sun beat down on him mercilessly  stinging  his bare arms, as he walked wearily down the street of  Ampan. What a day for his four wheel drive to break down and it had to happen when Sammy is not around. Sammy, his driver of fifteen years had taken leave to tend to a sick relative.. Nevertheless, his mind fumed. Sammy had become  more than an employee. He had become a confidante;  a friend and he, Ah Beng had over the years depended more and more on Sammy for his motoring needs. Why, he doesn't even know where the good and reliable workshops are, anymore! He needed Sammy. That realization annoyed him. That little rascal, I shall surely give him a ear full, when he comes back from his leave., sick relative or not...,Ah Beng muttered to himself as he willed his heavy legs to carry on walking., . Then he spied Hotel Madison. Ah Respite! Heaven sent!

Without a second thought, he zoomed in and plog down on one of the sofas so invitingly  calling out to a weary traveller. Gosh!, it was good to be out of the heat and resting those weary legs! He rubbed his aching feet, then noticing sweat still trickling down the side of his face, he took out his large handkerchief and rub his face vigorously. Now his handkerchief is all wet and smelt of sweat. With a sigh, he reluctantly  pulled himself up and out of the comfortable sofa and made his way to the gents! He noticed an unusual crowd of people, entering the hotel.  Ah! some sort of exhibition going on ,he thought to himself,.. . 

In the privacy of the men's toilet, he wet his hanker chief and took his time, freshening himself. When he had finished cleaning himself, he took out his comb and started to comb his wet hair. He looked at himself and sighed.....a tired looking man, terribly overweight...slightly greying at the top and the sides of his head. His expensive shirt and pants did nothing to improve his appearance. He sighed again. Fifty five, successful but without a soul mate. Never came across the woman of his dreams . What hasn't he got? Houses, vehicles, a good business, fat wallet...a towkay if you want to put it that way, but no woman by his side. No family to go home  to . Thank God for his  aging mother who kept house for him. What else to do except find solace in food, glorious food and the best liqueur in town?  He really must stop eating and get the flabs off his tummy Ah Beng thought to himself as he pinched the  thick layers of protruding flesh.

As he emerged from the gents, he saw more people coming into the lobby ballroom of the hotel., Curiosity took the better of him and as he had plenty of time to kill, he wandered into the ballroom to see what exhibition was being held. Oh! some intelluctual &, Innovation. Fair...,,,nowadays, everybody talks about IP and innovation, whether they understand the term or not, he smirked to himself. Listlessly, he wondered around, idly picking up pamphlets from  the exhibition booths. Might find some time to read them later on he thought to himself....

He walked to the far corner and took a turn back...nothing very much ..Ah Beng thought...suddenly, he stopped in his tracks....his heart thumping so hard it hurts....That face! He swirl round. Is her! the woman of his dreams!   Excitement sent blood rushing to his face. All of a sudden he was fearful, and an unexplained shyness invaded his whole being. He took a step forward, then turned away, wanting to run away. Of all the absurd nonsense! Chong Ah Beng, he told himself sternly. Get a grip on yourself. He took a quick double take and gazed straight at the angel who caught his attention. The sweetest and loveliest woman, he had ever seen in his life...slender in frame..petite..not a touch of make up.. well, perhaps just a little lipstick.... Mmm..  lips, so kissable! Ah Beng! yelled his heart..get over there and speak to her! But his feet just refuses to that direction and his throat suddenly dried up on him...

He almost ran out to the front where a hawker was hawking fruits, graped two juicy apples and rushed back to the exhibition hall.. Positioning himself away from the crowd and in good view of the angelic woman he stood munching his apples....while he gazed and drank in her sweetness. All the time, his heart shouted, Ah Beng, go ...just  walk across and say hello ,  hand her your calling card...but nope his feet just refuses to obey his command.A thousand and one introductory statements and social lines ran through his head....until his head ache.....hello! my name is Chong Ah Beng.....pleased to meet you.....idiot! that's not how you should approach her, his head mocked....what then....what about.....would you care to have a drink with me??? Not if  you  want to taste the heels of her slipper his heart cautions...Fat old man that you you think she would spare you a glance even??? Perhaps a show of his, she would think, you are a dirty old man up to no good.........


A sharing of Faith

During the farewell gathering for a sibling, Marie met up with distant relatives and friends from her home village and were very inspired by their strong Christian spirits and faith. These ladies and men were of the profound belief that Death is not the end but the beginning of living in the house of the Father. These relatives, she would  not have recognised if anyone passes her by the roadside. These blood ties,  she did not even know  existed until a passing  brought the introduction and contact.

They all belonged to the Charismatic movement of the Methodist and Lutheran Church. Never knew these churches had charismatic movements. Ladies and men in their fifties, sixties and seventies, each with such powerful testimonies to share. They go on mission trips, to Thailand, Russia, China, etc..etc..they see proverty , they see the might of the Lord, His hand in all their mission works and become even more  devout Christians. They speak of conversions of people in their seventies and still living and active in church work , even now in their eighties...Each and everyone strong of limbs and mind and they all attributed it to the blessings of God. They firmly believe, it is Faith that brings in the Providence and the strength! How beautiful! A niece when told that one of her aunties is not christian, told her gently, you must believe in Jesus,- He is the Life and the Way. ...Her newly found relatives told this writer, how beautiful and wonderful, it is doing God's work!! Inspiration indeed!.Their commitment and support for  one another is admirable , something this writer would like to emulate and learn...

Happy Mother's Day!


Thank you Father John, The special prayer and blessings dedicated to all mothers is a wonderful gift, indeed . Thank you for instilling thoughfulness into  our young people through action by example. YT is a great advocator of holy water and receiving a shower of blessed water is a wonderful gift and great happiness. Happy Mother's Day ,  Mothers !!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sister, we shall miss you

I sent my sister home to the Father's house today and for a moment , I saw her, young and full of vitality again..... her getting married, extraordinarily beautiful, refined. She was exquisite. The happiness in her face shone,  as she stood by her brand new cupboard, carefully putting away, stacks of multi-coloured cloths of various designs-it was customarily those days to give the new bride a  gift of new cloth to tailor make her clothes.......the sparkling gold bangles, chains, rings and ear-rings, etc....etc... ..So much happiness and joy.

Marie could actually hear the sound of  drawers and cupboards being locked, The sharp "prit!pregraack !" as the lock, locks into place......... Her coming home after a hard days work and still had the energy to sweep the whole compound clean, but of course two brooms turn the chore into something  special and romantic. Yah! she could still hear the sound of joyous  laughters. She and her husband were such a loving and romantic couple. ....Pages out of a story book!

 Life how mysterious you are!  When  we were journeying, it was as though the winding road stretched endlessly on, never ending..... and we moaned in fatigue. Then suddenly, it was no more and we shed tears of grief.....only then, do we realise that  life is such a short journey. One bat of the eyelid and it was gone, only the tomb stands....., what is left of the human's presence were  mere inscription on the silent tombstone . And  in memory lane hung pictures of cherished moments of  yesterdays......

You see in your mind, you remember, but you could no longer physically touch and embrace...RIP sister. You are safe in the The Father's house. The Lord has taken you home.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday, when more than two or three gathers ....

"Where two or three are gathered in my name. I am in their midst" Matt 18:20...A powerful promise, which never fails to fill me  with warmth and indeed, when one focuses on those words, his Presence is profoundly present,  one actually feels the light touch of the Holy Spirit, a realization that Yes, He is indeed present.The feeling that everything will be alright because " The Lord is here, listening, comforting, protecting and healing..."

There is no shortage of strengthening words from the Bible, especially from the book of  Psalms, if one cares to journey through the Bible in the  peace and quiet, of heart, mind and soul..... True, there are many words and passages which leaves one wondering...but at the same time.when you are at a cross road and needed  comfort or guidance, Lo and behold ! the shine of .certain words  rises up, drawing your attention and awakening flows in.....your heart tells you....therein lies your answer......

Yesterday, the Parish Retreat  brought new insights which  enriches the mind and the soul, today, the lessons of the previous day were further enhanced,elaborated with preciseness and  focus that one cannot fail to understand....the essence and power of  The Eucharist ...bringing Christ into our midst ,each and every celebration of and  strength renewed! 

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Parish Retreat-having an appetite for the Eucharist- Meaning, Significance, & Power...

That is not  exactly the  title, but  to Marie, that is just what it is. Sure the Presenter is a dynamic-great speaker but what is effective and powerful  is his very down to earth presentation. No excuses for the human weaknesses, the sometimes unholy nature of what we are, - acceptance hypocrisy- everyone from the religious to the lay person   go through the upheavels , temptations and needs in their lives..  We are not perfect, we are all sinners. The powerhouse is the Eucharist , reinforcing virtues of goodness and keeping the connection to God,  alive, powerful and strong. We are a people of God, that fact is proven in His great sacrifice and His great love for us; henceforth there is no need of any other sacrifices, because the Son's Blood had been shed to renew the bond between God and man...

Going to church regularly is really not enough. There should be a daily renewal of love, faith and commitment to be Christian. There is a clear call to live the Christ in us everyday of our lives,  and it is no mean feat, my brothers and sisters.  As one brother shared after  the  first  session-, ....during mass, we religiously offer each other a sign of peace but as soon as mass, is over, the good gestures vanishes and we busied ourselves being our own persons, no more Christ in us. That's human in real life-unfortunately. One person I know, start to curse and swear at other drivers as soon as he leaves the church compound. Goodness leaves right after mass!!!

Yes, the brother who did the sharing was right, it is time to change, let us, each one of us, try to practice goodness and love..... for a change. Let us be sincere ....Definitely not easy but brethen, can we all at least give it a good try????.

Marie is fortunate to have three lovely ladies in her discussion group and yes, they  all spoke the same language, turning the  sharing into a  very  valuable,  and interesting educational session. When they next meet in church, the hellos and greetings will certainly be more meaningful because friendship has been cultivated. 

There was even a call for more gatherings of this nature., organisers, are you " showing the surrender sign??", let Marie give you a round of applause for your giving nature and  thanks guys( including the priests) and gals for a very knowledge filled  retreat.