Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On the trail of sinfully , exotic Food!

Siblings! they could make you do crazy things and don' t you even mention the word age because it is non existent. They are teenagers all over again...and This bunch of  crazy people are going -chasing after good, tasty food....yeah three whole days of stuffing...."makaning" spree.   North is the  place..... they shall sniff and savour  whatever.......wherever.........and come back rubbing their bellies with glee.....(Hopefully, not looking like stuffed potatoes) And this writer says, Gone lah! her intention to eat rabbit food so that she could once again get into those lovely figure hugging clothes! Dream on! Plans gone  flying with the wind already lah! Is there some way, for her to eat to her heart's content and at the end of the journey, achieve a minus  few kilos???? That would be fantastic! Truth be told, she loves food ...she could eat the whole day long and there would still be room in her tummy for more......Sigh! If only her body wallops the unwanted meat faster than she eats...That would be  SOoooooo wonderfully great!...

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