Sunday, May 23, 2010

Importance of instilling Good values in our young

We were talking about filial piety,a group of us mothers.....and  the conclusion? The sad reality of today's world that children forget that they were born of parents who raised and took such good care of them, as babies, to where they are now.Parents who did everything in their power to  give the best education to their children , food, clothings etc..Emptied their savings for their precious bundles of joy.Then when they are grown, successful and their own person, they forget the hardship and sacrifices of their parents...they thought that they had never gone through the baby and growing up stage and they do not owe anybody any gratitude.They become little monsters..... so common very sad. Of course, we do have the treasures of the earth who shines bright like the North Star but these are so getting scarce ,..endangered species...

A sister in Christ lamented that her daughter a born catholic had never felt the urge to attend Sunday mass, she had also never felt the need to help around the house, do not contribute towards the household expenses and that stresses her. Well, sister, you are not alone in your pain. Many mothers go through similar frustrations. Perhaps they the children, need the gentle breath of the Holy Spirit. Children, brought up in the christian spirit are more loving and caring. Again this is from observations. The stress of living has caused many of us to travel  on the big broad road,   avoiding the narrower path and this has caused actions and life away from God, from the voice of the Holy Spirit. YT believes that this is what is causing parents the pain and heartaches in today's world. We did not work hard enough to instill christian values and upbringing. We did not plant enough faith and goodness into our children and so they are without the nutrients which enables them to  pass goodness on to others, their own parents, their own off springs, friends...communities etc..
God makes the difference. in our lives And YT firmly believes, God lights and guides the hearts of children and all faithful.. if only we open a little window and allow his divine light to shine in....

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