Friday, May 28, 2010

No to increase in prices of fuel, electricity etc...

We are in for a hard time, the fixed wage earners...what with the expected increase in price of  fuel, electricity and toll etc..etc....we will really have to tighten our belts...take a room within walking distance from the workplace, keep all the windows and door open for natural cool air..(if we could keep the robbers and blood suckers out)  more instant noodles.....remove all the whatever it takes to survive! Hello! Out there, EVEN Without  these additional hardships, many people are already finding it a burden to feed their families and just stay afloat....

My Beloved Country, your people cries in frustration and deep anxiety. Your people calls out to their leaders, to spare them this ordeal of more worries, more hardship. It is the people who are on the borderline of "enough" and the  poor (sandwiched in between) that suffers the most, because these people loses out both ways- no help and assistance because they are perceived to earn enough to keep themselves..yet with no means of improving their monthly income..because it is fixed, save to moonlight  to cover the shortfall. In many ways, this group of people are the real poor people and they make up the biggest group. 

The up in prices does not stop there...there  will be an avalanche of consequential  repercussions across the board. Our trusted Elects! This is when, the people of this Land looks up you,  their elects to lead them-out of any impending quicksand that threatens. We have walked on solid ground for so long... and may this Land continue to stand firm and solid for ourselves, our children and the generations to come.

Isn't there a different route  out of  national bankruptcy??? Isn't  there a way, our elects could  spare the "have nots"  and the not so wealthy  people of this land  bankruptcy in their survival and livelihood ? Come on, THINK PEOPLE of this land..THINK SURVIVAL..for all! 

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