Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Prelude to the story of Ah Beng Chong - A Real Life Malaysian LOVE story

Ah Beng was sweating profusely, he looked up the sky..not a cloud in the sky. The rays of the hot mid day sun beat down on him mercilessly  stinging  his bare arms, as he walked wearily down the street of  Ampan. What a day for his four wheel drive to break down and it had to happen when Sammy is not around. Sammy, his driver of fifteen years had taken leave to tend to a sick relative.. Nevertheless, his mind fumed. Sammy had become  more than an employee. He had become a confidante;  a friend and he, Ah Beng had over the years depended more and more on Sammy for his motoring needs. Why, he doesn't even know where the good and reliable workshops are, anymore! He needed Sammy. That realization annoyed him. That little rascal, I shall surely give him a ear full, when he comes back from his leave., sick relative or not...,Ah Beng muttered to himself as he willed his heavy legs to carry on walking., . Then he spied Hotel Madison. Ah Respite! Heaven sent!

Without a second thought, he zoomed in and plog down on one of the sofas so invitingly  calling out to a weary traveller. Gosh!, it was good to be out of the heat and resting those weary legs! He rubbed his aching feet, then noticing sweat still trickling down the side of his face, he took out his large handkerchief and rub his face vigorously. Now his handkerchief is all wet and smelt of sweat. With a sigh, he reluctantly  pulled himself up and out of the comfortable sofa and made his way to the gents! He noticed an unusual crowd of people, entering the hotel.  Ah! some sort of exhibition going on ,he thought to himself,.. . 

In the privacy of the men's toilet, he wet his hanker chief and took his time, freshening himself. When he had finished cleaning himself, he took out his comb and started to comb his wet hair. He looked at himself and sighed.....a tired looking man, terribly overweight...slightly greying at the top and the sides of his head. His expensive shirt and pants did nothing to improve his appearance. He sighed again. Fifty five, successful but without a soul mate. Never came across the woman of his dreams . What hasn't he got? Houses, vehicles, a good business, fat wallet...a towkay if you want to put it that way, but no woman by his side. No family to go home  to . Thank God for his  aging mother who kept house for him. What else to do except find solace in food, glorious food and the best liqueur in town?  He really must stop eating and get the flabs off his tummy Ah Beng thought to himself as he pinched the  thick layers of protruding flesh.

As he emerged from the gents, he saw more people coming into the lobby ballroom of the hotel., Curiosity took the better of him and as he had plenty of time to kill, he wandered into the ballroom to see what exhibition was being held. Oh! some intelluctual &, Innovation. Fair...,,,nowadays, everybody talks about IP and innovation, whether they understand the term or not, he smirked to himself. Listlessly, he wondered around, idly picking up pamphlets from  the exhibition booths. Might find some time to read them later on he thought to himself....

He walked to the far corner and took a turn back...nothing very much ..Ah Beng thought...suddenly, he stopped in his tracks....his heart thumping so hard it hurts....That face! He swirl round. Is her! the woman of his dreams!   Excitement sent blood rushing to his face. All of a sudden he was fearful, and an unexplained shyness invaded his whole being. He took a step forward, then turned away, wanting to run away. Of all the absurd nonsense! Chong Ah Beng, he told himself sternly. Get a grip on yourself. He took a quick double take and gazed straight at the angel who caught his attention. The sweetest and loveliest woman, he had ever seen in his life...slender in frame..petite..not a touch of make up.. well, perhaps just a little lipstick.... Mmm..  lips, so kissable! Ah Beng! yelled his heart..get over there and speak to her! But his feet just refuses to that direction and his throat suddenly dried up on him...

He almost ran out to the front where a hawker was hawking fruits, graped two juicy apples and rushed back to the exhibition hall.. Positioning himself away from the crowd and in good view of the angelic woman he stood munching his apples....while he gazed and drank in her sweetness. All the time, his heart shouted, Ah Beng, go ...just  walk across and say hello ,  hand her your calling card...but nope his feet just refuses to obey his command.A thousand and one introductory statements and social lines ran through his head....until his head ache.....hello! my name is Chong Ah Beng.....pleased to meet you.....idiot! that's not how you should approach her, his head mocked....what then....what about.....would you care to have a drink with me??? Not if  you  want to taste the heels of her slipper his heart cautions...Fat old man that you you think she would spare you a glance even??? Perhaps a show of his, she would think, you are a dirty old man up to no good.........


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