Monday, May 17, 2010


The Unity word  got Marie thinking. How wonderful it would be if all the churches of Christ, unite and stand as one, same practice, same do's and don'ts....The Person and God in the Lord Jesus, has never been an issue, we are after all , members of his Church, and as Marie's  newly  found relatives puts it " all the same, we are all the same..we all believe in the same God, the same Christ and we all follow the same path" is the practices, the interpretations and the extra, extra, extra..... we are concerned about. This writer always felt that priests and pastors should have their own families as well. Growing up among Methodist relatives, and attending some of their church activities and gatherings,  Marie remembers pastors as very happy individuals always, always with a gentle wife and so God fearing children, all of us wants to emulate. You could always count on one of them to be your friend and man! do  they  go all out to make your life pleasant.

Yesterday, as she busied herself with The Event of the Year, she wishes, all parts of her body will just unite with her wants and plans that is -speak, act and move with precision, direction, focus, and great diplomacy, tact- the  ability to keep the smiles pasted on her face all the time, her limbs moving as fast as her know! the works! but sometimes, the mind tells you something, and the heart the other and so you get yourself all confused and rattled...and become the person, you really, really do not want to be......
Simon says.....Definitely not your personal best babe! I do not know what you were thinking but in an event like this baby, you really have to perform better! Heck, Simon, you were absolutely right ' it is just the Unity word - the mind , body, limbs, heart, brains , etc...etc...etc.. which just refuses to fall in line with the wishes and the wants!.......

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