Sunday, August 1, 2010

A gift of Great Food

 Contentment! Ah! what satisfaction you give! And as each  plate of sumptuous delight, quickly arrive, temptingly "bagus"; salivary good -restrain and refine behaviour flew out of the window! Chopsticks went click, clack.. quickly chomp ping in, and........a spontaneous chorus of Mmmmmmmm  filled the air. Wow! great stuff! The char siew was deliciously tender, juicy with just the right crisp- a great starter to a perfect afternoon lunch. (what you see here is just half the amount, ..before the camera could click, half the amount already made its way into 'can't wait anymore' tummies)..

Crab rice, the signature dish of Siu Siu Restaurant in Old Klang Road was superb, the taste was just right, the crabs fleshy and cut to the right size, making it easy to dig in...they supply you with clippers, or do you call them crackers??? but  you do not need those very much, because somehow the crabs were marinated and steamed in such a manner, that the shell has become soft and with just a tiny twitch the whole flesh dislodge itself  for  your tongue to roll around it, savouring the goodness...
The river fish prepared in  Nonya style is out of the world! No joking here! Authentic truth! YT was still tearing and poking at the bones, looking for any tiny bits of flesh that may still cling on ...after all had been wolfed down.....that's how good it was. Fresh, real fresh! Extraordinarily good. The best she has eaten for a long, long time!

The kangkong belacan was passable but better than most and..... man oh man! the Salted eggs Prawns (shell-less) were just heavenly! Generous portions for every dish! Service was superb , the atmosphere.... green, cooling.....relaxing , the kind of place, you would like to sit, linger  and just enjoy..... Try it out yourself folks!
A mother's heart was gladden and yes, this great taste of good food, amongst great atmosphere  will certainly linger on ,  and occupy a permanent place in her heart and memory lane. Thanks K, guys and God Bless!

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