Monday, February 14, 2011

Chap Goh Meh Dinner with Parishioners of HRC

Joyous and very Chinese New Year, that's what the Chap Goh Meh Dinner of Holy Redeemer Church Klang was, Sunday night!.Beautiful band...evergreen memoric melodies....the bonus was two very sporting young ladies belting out Chinese new year songs and modern day favourites! And can they sing!! Move aside Jac Victor!!

And the surprise of the evening???A lovely  Chinese Dance of the Fan performed by an all Indian dancers group-Indian children of a children's home....And do they look Cute and  adorable !!! What a gracious way of sharing goodness, and joy...... of course,  the children's home received a worthy love packet....but it is the happiness on the faces of the children... that counted the most.....the one in a blue moon opportunity to be on stage, dressed in their Sunday beautiful  best, performing to an appreciative audience , acknowledging rounds of applause....

Bet you, those children had very pleasant dreams, that night and  Sunday Feb 13th 2011 will surely remain a cherish memory in their young minds for long long time.....Great idea HRC!!! You made little children very happy!!!

Not only the children..but .this Autumn Rose too -love the festive atmosphere, complete with the sound of "yum seng!" puncturing the festive  air every now and then..... And you know what?? All of us who attended the dinner... received a symbolic good luck angpow. The Parish Priest... very graciously  went round the tables and distributed the very Ang...AngPow! WooohoooWOW!!!Thank you ! 

This Writer and a couple of others who suddenly found themselves children once again,  stood up and unabashedly yelled out to the good Father J....over here Father......double for me Father.....and thank you Father!! ..Ohooo! So very fun! And you too, Nancy, my friend! It was  a lovely evening indeed!!! Thank you and God Bless!!

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