Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our Lady of Lourdes, Feast Day-OLL Klang

Holy  Mother , Beautiful Lady, how serene and contented you look. Splendid and Regal,surrounded by gorgeous blossoms...lovely, lovely  fresh  roses! And Roses does become you, Lovely lady...what a fine display of adoring rosy colours, deep red, pink and yellow at your feet . Wow! This writer is totally smitten!

And she does feel the warmth of  your grace and prayers Mother,.......else how could  she  explain that tender swirling emotional feeling deep within-  that made her want to reach out and embrace you??? What explanation the love that flows in , clings and  tugs at  her heart as  she stood and prayed  before you???....that  extra-ordinary,  intimate bond, only a child shares with her mother???  The lyrics that gushes forth as she humbly thank you for your love, your care, your grace and never ending prayers for her????Thank you Holy Mother, Thank you God for Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus, our Mother!

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