Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spring has come and gone,
summer too...
Autumn has settled in
Gracing the months and days
until  winter comes, lording in...
Nature has  her seasons .....
A reason and 
a time for everything...
A time of birth,
a time of growth...
A time for the sun to rise
and set....

Life has its season and its reasons....
We scuttled around endlessly,
creating gardens for those
we hold dear in our lives
Finding contentment in their joys,
Fulfilment just living  life for them..
Until there comes a time...
we cease to exist  for ourselves...
and  forget  who we were.....

But life has a way of waking us
when the season of awakening comes...
and wisdom lends a hand...

A time to pick up the cares of the world
And a time to loosen the chains..discard....
A time when Faith, trust and belief takes
centre position
and God stands firm in our hearts
A time when, we find ourselves irresistibly
drawn to God above.... .
reaching  up for  Higher Hands to lead.. ..
letting go.... the cares and woes
life's journey brought us...
Release, find ourselves once again...
Be the person, God wants us to be
And we surely can, with faith leading  the way...

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