Thursday, February 10, 2011

Frustration speaks!!

Those who travel to work and face the jams day in and day out...Aren't  you people a little tired of  "drivers and travellers" stress and repairs, maintenance, petrol.. etc, etc......eating into  modest and not so modest earnings????...And the time spent breathing in carbon and fumes....Some of her friends think she is crazy to endure such tortures....What to do hor?? Have to eat mah!!!

Think you could relax when you finally crawl into the office, exhausted to the bones, after battling the traffic????? Fat hope! You have to share your working space with Big Brother ...He is  everywhere, eyes and ears big and honing into your every move.. Feel like chatting, downloading to someone over your mobile???Think again! Your private life could easily be broad casted over the loud speaker for all and sundry to savour.....

Enjoy a bit of juicy gossip?? What harm bah???Just between you and me -and the four walls....of your house  mah!!!??? Ah lala!Really???? And you think you are safe in your own home?? Think again!!! Hei, Young people out there, Careful intimate pictures do not end up in U tube! Sigh!!the price we pay for progress and technology....

Oh for the yesterdays  when privacy is our right and such invasions and intrusions were as alien as Mars. Gone were the days, when  private is private and secrets remain in their safe domain ..away from prying eyes and ears..

Privacy where art thou??? Gone!!literally extinct! endangered , a shadow!!! Even the walls and streets have eyes and ears..... some people even think, they have every right to eavesdrop and peep into your private chambers..................... What Colour your undergarments ah?? Sad !!! How Very sad indeed!

That is just frustration speaking and certainly not Marie Lee!!

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