Monday, May 28, 2012

OLL-Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS 2012)


Spirit filled Speaker Bro. Vincent
Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS)  commenced last evening (Sunday-day of Pentecost)  to robust  support from more than a hundred Spirit inspired parishioners.  A powerhouse of a speaker that's Brother Vincent, our guest speaker from Jesus Caritas, Kepong !   God's Love he shared  and how awesomely, he brought the spotlight on the extravagant love, the good Lord has for  the people he created. Sinful,rebellious and so full of self and yet, though, we so grievously hurt and drained  Him, He did not for one moment gave up on us, but steadfastly stood waiting for us to reconcile with Him. 

What other image could so explicitly , so worthily express and portray God's steadfast love for us other  than the image of the humble and loving Father- embracing the good for nothing prodigal son -now repented and wants to return to the goodness of his Father's home???? (Luke 15: 11-32)  That's a reflection of us! That's the never ending story of  the sinful and ungrateful  people...who continuously hurt and maim the heart  of God and yet, each time, he forgives and welcomes us back !! Is' nt  it   amazing how much God loves and cares for us??? .And how right you are Bro. Vincent,  Christianity,  is really a relationship .... the bond of a Father's love, the yearning of a Father's love  for the children he created....we, the creatures of the world. 

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only  son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.  1 John 19 : further tells us, we loved because He first loved us...Isn;t it awesome  God 's love  for us??? God reaches out to us....God calls us...

Parish Priest
-Rev Father Michael Chua
gift of the Holy Spirit-
a conversion of hearts
good to attend all sessions
of the LSS
Jer 31: 3- And I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you... and again in Jer 29:11-12. For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.  The powerful, resounding and faithful promise, which holds true ..till the end of will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I WILL HEAR YOU .  What could be more reassuring and beautiful as those verses??? Behold, I have graven you on the palms of my hands..Isaiah 49:16 ...God knows us, each and everyone of us by is a reminder that we are constantly in his sight....those whose spirits are crushed and direction muddled....hei, guys, turn to your God........God's eyes are watching our every movement....He comes if you believe in Him. Be convinced of His love!

Certainly, the message that God's love was beautifully expressed . It brought  with it a strong measure of bridging, a renew of trust and belief in the steadfast  love of God... Yours Truly especially liked the reminder to us Catholics to recite our prayers from the heart and not just obligatory uttering of sounds from the mouth....and we do have so many pre-created standard prayers, don't we??...... sometimes it does come out in  mere rattling.. without any merit. When prayers become a conversation with God, with the  inner self, and the  heart fully  involved - the ears of the Lord are inclined in our direction because then it becomes a call...a need....a desire for God's presence and He responds. 

A big round of applause for session 1. ..

NB: all quotes from the Bible-taken from the notes of the speaker.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Chain Letters

Yours Truly was absolutely horrified if not  mortified when a chain letter came in with her mails and that chain letter carried a very dreadful warning that bad luck will befall anyone who does not carry on with the chain. Reflex action was immediately sent it out to at least a couple of people with a hope that they , the people you forward that chain letter to,  has a  drunkard sense of  humour and would either bravely  thrash it or just good humour-ly continue with  the game. Something about Irish luck..Urgh!! So where's my pot of gold?? The human in YT actually did the WHAT IF .....Perhaps, a fully paid trip to Holy Land?? That would be a dream come true.. Hmmm...a million bucks on a gold platter.......etc..etc...Sweet dreams  .......

Some of these chain letters can be pretty interesting, in fact the one on Irish luck had YT reading on, with a broad smile on her face, until, yikes! ...too late...the dreadful words......  they have a way of bringing in the fun, yet the ....fear element and of course the superstition in you. Who doesn't want luck to walk into their doorways/? Who  dared challenge the dreadful , hideous warning,  that comes with it?? Let me tell you something, people, you may be the most successful person, or hold the highest position in some fancy set up., rich, poor.....but it is something as trivial as this, that gets the vulnerable in you....yeah really stretches your imagination to the limit ---the aiyah! aiyah....or luck??...BUT Yours Truly here would rather angels do their jig , and Higher Powers opens the doors for  good things to come in.

Do me a favour, good people! NO CHAIN LETTERS PLEASE!!~YT detest chain letters!!

Nevertheless, my prayers are -that you are  graced with divine blessings and all the luck in the world...the more luck and blessings  with each chain letter deleted and thrashed!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Gift of the gap or gab??

Some are endowed with the gift of the gab that could turn desert into oasis while others have the gift of the gap that disintegrates and causes turmoil. Do you need a gag?? Pause at least 5 seconds before you it a rainbow you bring in or the thunder storm??  Think, consider before the mouth opens and the tongue rolls!!! 

Passing wind

Yet He, being compassionate, forgave their iniquity, and did not destroy them; he restrained his anger often and did not stir up all his wrath. 

He remembered that they were but flesh, a wind that passes and comes not again...Psalm 78:38-39

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


It was in the silence of the early morning 
that you came forth  to greet me
You chided, you wagged your finger  a little
And yet, when you heard my heart speak
your eyes soften to gentleness..
And compassion  took over...

Oh how you filled the vacuum of my heart
How you bridge the gap, which distanced 
you from me
How You  dispel the darkness and the cold..
and brought in winds of warmth and cherish-ment..
When  your healing arms reached out to embrace, 
and  protectively drew me  closed to you! 

All  is well  , you promised me,
All will be well, you'll  see..
As always, I stand firm by your side ,
Unceasingly shielding  you all your days....

-Marie Lee-

Monday, May 21, 2012

Thanks from the Fish bowl

Get me out of the fish bowl!!!
                                         Amazing, worthy Intentions but the Methodology sucks!!
                                                     Nevertheless, thanks for your efforts and care.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Herald -Pope's message-musings

Silence is very much about having space to be near God, to be with God-without the distractions, without the hindrances, without the artificial - the falseness so associated with life's living. It is a meditative state ..focusing on God alone ..a state where one  harness the peace and oneness with God...striking  a balance  with harmony and the positive forces of goodness leading to well being. When one is silent, the ears and heart start to listen...and when one listens, one hears, sees, reason  and comprehend. That reflection came from the  Pope's powerful message in the recent issue of the Herald.. When wisdom speaks, it enriches the salt of the earth and he who pay heed to its wisdom has much to gain. 

The bit about "God speaking to us even in silence"? To YT that is absolutely true..  It was in the silence that she hears the call of her inner self, most clearly. It is in the peace and quiet that God is closest and His healing grace most powerfully felt.  

YT recalled, .in times past, when confusion and uncertainty struck.. when walls appeared...when directions was the stillness ...that  brought in re-bonding  and healing -that clarity shone and pathways reappeared. It was being alone in the sanctuary of the House of God that the voice of God was astoundingly clear. If you have something to tell God, go alone into your prayer place or your own private space and speak to Him directly, in the peace and quiet... You will be amazed how He makes use of silence and stillness to open our eyes and  our hearts. Folks, fellow who walk along similar paths,  give silence a chance - she is the golden one-make efforts to built  moments of silence into your living space -to rejuvenate and revitalise self, be your own person-   get out of the deafening noise of the world, for some stillness and you will be amazed, just how healed you are afterwards. .  It is the simple goodness and gifts of life that is most powerful, and God's presence is the basic foundation for that  balance and well being. Tell me that is not true!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Rosary cum Mother's Day

       It  was rosary which comes together with an honour to mothers of  BEC, Bandar Puteri last night.
Grace was said, and mothers were blessed.....and I am sure the Holy Mother joined in the happy  moments as well!!
                                     Way to go  Jane !!  Thanks  Steven Raj .  Great stuff!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day

Carnations for mothers. 

Lovely huh??  Aren't MY carnations just lovely??

Smart move altar boys! It was a big rush to buy carnations for mothers after the beautiful homily on Love this evening and Love was certainly in the air.  To the initiator of the "Carnations for Mothers" idea, thanks for the ground works  which motivates and encourages - the show of love to mothers! And to my children, who thoughtfully presented me with the carnations - thank you, for the heart warming gesture. . 
There is something lovely about being part of a community- a religious community that is. The Month of May, besides being celebrated as the Rosary Month, and  a devotion to the Holy Mother -it's also devoted to all mothers for their selfless devotion and sacrifice to family and home. I personally felt that encouraging acts of love to another, especially mothers on Mother's Day; reminders to show appreciation for love shown,  the many homilies which shone the spot light on love is very relevant to this very special month- devoted to motherly love. Indeed as the Parish Priest says, love removes all restrictions ....if you have love for God in your will also have love for your loved ones ...and you will be willing to obey and follow His commandments of  LOVE  and in so doing, your heart will be  opened to giving unconditionally, the very same love that was given unto you. 

Mothers! May calls  that you/we remain steadfast to our vocations as mothers.....firm in our selfless devotion to children, family and home. ...let us pray that in turn, the same spirit of devotion,  appreciation and love bounces back and walks with all mothers right until the very end. Cheers ,God Bless! & Happy Mother's Day!!

Actioning self belief

Folks! Get the broom and sweep out  wishful faith and wishful prayers.Much better if you could activate a powerful jet of water and flush out all wishful thinking. Get on the platform of reality and ride that horse of action, towards the course of achievement. If you lie around languishing in wishful thinking and  are like a spoilt child, full of tantrums, wanting your own ways, without lifting a finger, to bring in your wants. God is not an ATM machine and should not be treated like one...where you take and take...and does not  give anything  in return. Even if He is, you will have to do your part to deposit in the resources, before you could continue taking. Your responsibility is to put in determined  efforts to live  your wants.No one can do it for you, except yourself. 

Remember God helps those who helps themselves..Those who helps themselves practice Active,Doing  faith and Belief ;those who prays and expect God to do ALL the work for them practices Wishful Faith and that is the distinctive line which divides Achievers from the Dreamers. Hei People! Rise and shine!

Friday, May 11, 2012


Rosary brought in praise and worship and a house of laughter! A house is not a home unless there are sounds of laughters, togetherness, sharing and the active presence of love and cordial feelings and last night, it was that grace that came in with each stanza of the Rosary. Hail, Holy Mother, this day, we devote to you!!

 Folks! Simple fares and wares but good food from the heart and we enjoyed and appreciated your company last night! God Bless!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

BEC Rosary Book

Our very lovely BEC Rosary book thanks to Jane and her team mates.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Faith, I bide you farewell
Wishful prayers, be  release- 
it's clarity I seek-
reality and
acceptance of what life
has in store for me...

What my heart longs,
It is not in my destiny.
This journey , it is not
for the scoring,
but a redemption of self
and repayment of debts 
still owing....

Have you not pluck me from
the heights
to walk upon  humble plains
Oh how  you  starve my ego
and chasten me time and again...

I have tasted the salts from mine eyes, 
too many locked doors  frustrates me
My heart bleeds, my vision dims....
I cannot fight what is predestined-
Faith!  I release  your virtues
let it return to you....
Life's  puzzle must be completed
in concrete 
and in ways, it was meant to be...

-Marie Lee-

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just for a laugh

Some Beautiful home truths, courtesy of a friend's sharing. Sometimes, we do have such thoughts hissing beneath our breath,  that's why it is so hilarious. Amazing  how those exact words could be captured to such perfection!! Enjoy!! All women at some time or another uttered those words.. Don't sulk men! You guys have your own versions, especially the NAG word and that's when we ask for patience and not strength!! Count your blessings!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Holy Matrimony Damian&Clara

Here comes the glowing bride and groom

Hey! hey! the lady is my wife now!!
mobbed by well wishers
5th May 2012 ,and Damien weds  Clara!!  Finally, man & wife! Radiant, glowing and bursting with happiness, that's our day's King and Queen. Joy were reflected in their very being!! You should have seen them people!!  Special, awesome moments, cheered on by friends and loved ones and that  will certainly stay imprint in their memory forever!As the happy groom puts it  "this is a once in a  life time occasion and moment!" Indeed! what a memorable day.  What a fantastic and lovely wedding! 
Father Gerard
love and cherish each other

Hey brother -congrats!
catching up after the wedding
The church building was filled to full capacity  Father Gerard , the presiding priest for this wedding mass couldn't be more right when he said the full house spoke volumes about the persons of these two young people. S0 many"likes" can only mean one thing, yes people??? Lovely couple and they deserved the very best of our good wishes.  So! Damien and Clara, here's echoing the words of Father Gerard- henceforth  walk as one  and  let your  overflowing love for each other bring out the  unselfish  serving of  each other!!! Love and cherish each other, even after the ravages of age sets in....Be evergreen in your love for each other!!

Beautiful! YT just loved the joys of weddings and the promises that comes with it !! God Bless!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Worthiness, I call upon thy presence...
You defined the fruits of my paths
The firmness of my footprints
upon the sands of time...
Would  the wings of eagles
bless me,
That I soar high into the heavens
Even as the  sun begins its descend?
Lo, The horizons still flood with light
Its warmth with promises-
even if the sun should set,
The heavens are still full of stars!
Worthiness...You set the pace
and the prize ....
You decide the moment
and the time when your power
enriches mine,
And   your worthiness fulfills me
That  I hold firm the rights
and accomplish what 
My Lord God predestined me!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Annual Easter Celebrations, OLL

The main table 
The Organising Chairman  Charlie,
his lovely wife having a light moment
with Parish Priests
In every event, scores of people work hard behind the scene, so that the event could be successful and people enjoy the night...and it was the same with Our Lady of Lourdes's, event of the year...The OLL Annual Easter Celebrations held  at the Taman Rashna Restaurant last evening. There were many busy bees working their heart out last night and it was a huge gathering with more than a thousand parishioners attending the happy event. Easter is still very much in the air!! 

Organising Chairman  Charlie Goh and his team mates were seen busily going round the dinner hall, greeting guests and making  sure everything was in order. Ushers stood in line to welcome guests and direct them to their correct seats, while outside at the registration table, resplendent in their evening fineries were the team, who took care of who and who were coming in......a large box in placed near them   to collect clippings of  ticket numbers which will see some lucky  Easter Night attendees go home with more than  just a full of the lucky draw prizes and prizes  were aplenty judging from the huge stacks of prizes up on the stage .....including three colourful bicycles to booth!~ Message is clear folks! Exercise and good health is the new order of the day!
Rev Care Bears-Michael & David
Roars of approval and appreciation filled the air as Michel Jackson came to life just for the Easter Night celebrations, and began his many mesmerizing moves.

And then the Care Bears... took over the stage...guess who??? None other than the respected Parish priests -Rev Father Michael Chua and Father David!!As they belt out numbers for the soul, the basket with envelopes went around. Interesting way of raising funds but then innovation has been the order of the day since our dynamic duo took up residence  at Our Lady of Lourdes Klang!

Father Lawrence-and we have
a winner!!
Father Lawrence, from the parish of St. Anne got the full attention of everyone in the hall....he had graciously agreed to pick out the lucky draw winners -Yo! and he made a lot of people happy last night!Nothing like a man of God to dispense blessings!!


Easter Celebrations this year came with a lot of heart! Four Homes were invited to join in the celebrations and they just loved to be part of the celebrations!!.  The little children were so excited when the camera was focused on them!! This Writer had the opportunity to say hello to two great ladies Elizabeth Tan Chairperson of Shelter for girls and women in crises situation and Ho Hui Tin Chairperson of Rumah Ozanam. Folks! Their  vision and mission were so beautiful, as seen in the care and shelter for those who has a need of their homes!  And as with all homes, public support is crucial, so words are needed.
Rumah Ozanam Klang
Migrants community
Loved the invitation
Rumah Perlindungan Sosial 

pretty ladies in a row

Entrance Care Bear 1 

BRP- gang
Entrance Care Bear 2

Note: This writer had to leave early and so could have missed out on many more interesting events lined up for the night!! But still it was a great night for her!! Look forward to your next event folks!!