Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Annual Easter Celebrations, OLL

The main table 
The Organising Chairman  Charlie,
his lovely wife having a light moment
with Parish Priests
In every event, scores of people work hard behind the scene, so that the event could be successful and people enjoy the night...and it was the same with Our Lady of Lourdes's, event of the year...The OLL Annual Easter Celebrations held  at the Taman Rashna Restaurant last evening. There were many busy bees working their heart out last night and it was a huge gathering with more than a thousand parishioners attending the happy event. Easter is still very much in the air!! 

Organising Chairman  Charlie Goh and his team mates were seen busily going round the dinner hall, greeting guests and making  sure everything was in order. Ushers stood in line to welcome guests and direct them to their correct seats, while outside at the registration table, resplendent in their evening fineries were the team, who took care of who and who were coming in......a large box in placed near them   to collect clippings of  ticket numbers which will see some lucky  Easter Night attendees go home with more than  just a full of the lucky draw prizes and prizes  were aplenty judging from the huge stacks of prizes up on the stage .....including three colourful bicycles to booth!~ Message is clear folks! Exercise and good health is the new order of the day!
Rev Care Bears-Michael & David
Roars of approval and appreciation filled the air as Michel Jackson came to life just for the Easter Night celebrations, and began his many mesmerizing moves.

And then the Care Bears... took over the stage...guess who??? None other than the respected Parish priests -Rev Father Michael Chua and Father David!!As they belt out numbers for the soul, the basket with envelopes went around. Interesting way of raising funds but then innovation has been the order of the day since our dynamic duo took up residence  at Our Lady of Lourdes Klang!

Father Lawrence-and we have
a winner!!
Father Lawrence, from the parish of St. Anne got the full attention of everyone in the hall....he had graciously agreed to pick out the lucky draw winners -Yo! and he made a lot of people happy last night!Nothing like a man of God to dispense blessings!!


Easter Celebrations this year came with a lot of heart! Four Homes were invited to join in the celebrations and they just loved to be part of the celebrations!!.  The little children were so excited when the camera was focused on them!! This Writer had the opportunity to say hello to two great ladies Elizabeth Tan Chairperson of Shelter for girls and women in crises situation and Ho Hui Tin Chairperson of Rumah Ozanam. Folks! Their  vision and mission were so beautiful, as seen in the care and shelter for those who has a need of their homes!  And as with all homes, public support is crucial, so words are needed.
Rumah Ozanam Klang
Migrants community
Loved the invitation
Rumah Perlindungan Sosial 

pretty ladies in a row

Entrance Care Bear 1 

BRP- gang
Entrance Care Bear 2

Note: This writer had to leave early and so could have missed out on many more interesting events lined up for the night!! But still it was a great night for her!! Look forward to your next event folks!!

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