Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day

Carnations for mothers. 

Lovely huh??  Aren't MY carnations just lovely??

Smart move altar boys! It was a big rush to buy carnations for mothers after the beautiful homily on Love this evening and Love was certainly in the air.  To the initiator of the "Carnations for Mothers" idea, thanks for the ground works  which motivates and encourages - the show of love to mothers! And to my children, who thoughtfully presented me with the carnations - thank you, for the heart warming gesture. . 
There is something lovely about being part of a community- a religious community that is. The Month of May, besides being celebrated as the Rosary Month, and  a devotion to the Holy Mother -it's also devoted to all mothers for their selfless devotion and sacrifice to family and home. I personally felt that encouraging acts of love to another, especially mothers on Mother's Day; reminders to show appreciation for love shown,  the many homilies which shone the spot light on love is very relevant to this very special month- devoted to motherly love. Indeed as the Parish Priest says, love removes all restrictions ....if you have love for God in your will also have love for your loved ones ...and you will be willing to obey and follow His commandments of  LOVE  and in so doing, your heart will be  opened to giving unconditionally, the very same love that was given unto you. 

Mothers! May calls  that you/we remain steadfast to our vocations as mothers.....firm in our selfless devotion to children, family and home. ...let us pray that in turn, the same spirit of devotion,  appreciation and love bounces back and walks with all mothers right until the very end. Cheers ,God Bless! & Happy Mother's Day!!

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