Saturday, May 12, 2012

Actioning self belief

Folks! Get the broom and sweep out  wishful faith and wishful prayers.Much better if you could activate a powerful jet of water and flush out all wishful thinking. Get on the platform of reality and ride that horse of action, towards the course of achievement. If you lie around languishing in wishful thinking and  are like a spoilt child, full of tantrums, wanting your own ways, without lifting a finger, to bring in your wants. God is not an ATM machine and should not be treated like one...where you take and take...and does not  give anything  in return. Even if He is, you will have to do your part to deposit in the resources, before you could continue taking. Your responsibility is to put in determined  efforts to live  your wants.No one can do it for you, except yourself. 

Remember God helps those who helps themselves..Those who helps themselves practice Active,Doing  faith and Belief ;those who prays and expect God to do ALL the work for them practices Wishful Faith and that is the distinctive line which divides Achievers from the Dreamers. Hei People! Rise and shine!

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