Monday, May 28, 2012

OLL-Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS 2012)


Spirit filled Speaker Bro. Vincent
Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS)  commenced last evening (Sunday-day of Pentecost)  to robust  support from more than a hundred Spirit inspired parishioners.  A powerhouse of a speaker that's Brother Vincent, our guest speaker from Jesus Caritas, Kepong !   God's Love he shared  and how awesomely, he brought the spotlight on the extravagant love, the good Lord has for  the people he created. Sinful,rebellious and so full of self and yet, though, we so grievously hurt and drained  Him, He did not for one moment gave up on us, but steadfastly stood waiting for us to reconcile with Him. 

What other image could so explicitly , so worthily express and portray God's steadfast love for us other  than the image of the humble and loving Father- embracing the good for nothing prodigal son -now repented and wants to return to the goodness of his Father's home???? (Luke 15: 11-32)  That's a reflection of us! That's the never ending story of  the sinful and ungrateful  people...who continuously hurt and maim the heart  of God and yet, each time, he forgives and welcomes us back !! Is' nt  it   amazing how much God loves and cares for us??? .And how right you are Bro. Vincent,  Christianity,  is really a relationship .... the bond of a Father's love, the yearning of a Father's love  for the children he created....we, the creatures of the world. 

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only  son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.  1 John 19 : further tells us, we loved because He first loved us...Isn;t it awesome  God 's love  for us??? God reaches out to us....God calls us...

Parish Priest
-Rev Father Michael Chua
gift of the Holy Spirit-
a conversion of hearts
good to attend all sessions
of the LSS
Jer 31: 3- And I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you... and again in Jer 29:11-12. For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.  The powerful, resounding and faithful promise, which holds true ..till the end of will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I WILL HEAR YOU .  What could be more reassuring and beautiful as those verses??? Behold, I have graven you on the palms of my hands..Isaiah 49:16 ...God knows us, each and everyone of us by is a reminder that we are constantly in his sight....those whose spirits are crushed and direction muddled....hei, guys, turn to your God........God's eyes are watching our every movement....He comes if you believe in Him. Be convinced of His love!

Certainly, the message that God's love was beautifully expressed . It brought  with it a strong measure of bridging, a renew of trust and belief in the steadfast  love of God... Yours Truly especially liked the reminder to us Catholics to recite our prayers from the heart and not just obligatory uttering of sounds from the mouth....and we do have so many pre-created standard prayers, don't we??...... sometimes it does come out in  mere rattling.. without any merit. When prayers become a conversation with God, with the  inner self, and the  heart fully  involved - the ears of the Lord are inclined in our direction because then it becomes a call...a need....a desire for God's presence and He responds. 

A big round of applause for session 1. ..

NB: all quotes from the Bible-taken from the notes of the speaker.

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