Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Work - A Labour Day Reflections

Is work-employment, a blessing or a curse? I would say, a blessing, yes definitely a blessing. Else, where would you get the funds to sustain self, provide for your family and build your little nest for the winter and a rainy day??? I have always looked upon employment and work as a means of survival, to put the clothes on my back and  my family, yeah definitely  to put food on the table. When I was younger, I could not wait to stop work. I wanted to have plenty of time, to travel, to write or  just drink in the beauty of nature and enjoy happy times with loved ones. Then,  I often urged time to walk faster. Can't wait for age to catch up, so that I could rest and just bask in the love of loved ones..

Now that I have time sitting with me.....I found to my dismay, things were not quite what I imagined.. Dreams are actually only for the wishing,, because horizons and circumstances  change with the passing of time. Take money for instance....it had depreciated in value  but the cost of living rocks sky high, and still flying higher.....Life span has increased ....and the golden goose egg, which you thought could see you comfortably  through your sunset years , had somewhat shrunk to that of a pigeon's. 

People change, needs change, beliefs change.....now the culture is look out for self and less dependency on others. Expenditure is- on going-it never ceases; it comes with survival. .   Now that I have surveyed the tough terrains before me.... I realise,  I cannot afford to stop work., for three reasons, 1) I am hyperactive and feel lost staying home  2) Reality strikes, I cannot afford the rest, there are still responsibilities. 3) I love financial independence and being able to join my friends for high tea, and giving myself the well deserved treat every now and then....and 4) which is really part of the three.....too much lazing around will give you bed sores and a dull mind. So I guess as long as opportunity exists,I would probably work until the call comes.  Work represent - the means to survival. It also means that you will more likely keep healthy and strong to achieve your survival objectives, and health is so important to everyone let alone Autummers.

Folks, do you agree with YT that as time advances, employment and work becomes more important to the needy, it becomes ..more than food and clothes on the back... it becomes a  prayer, a desired blessing, a means to retain dignity and productivity- a sense of " needed" , one of the corner stones. It helps people maintain their identity  and project the right to survival as their own person. Work can never be a curse, unless, "enslaved" and " condemned to slavery" comes into play..  So people, you who have the means...provide opportunities for those who have a need for it, it is a form of giving...!!! . Give a person a fish and he will consume it and finish it in a meal, but teaching him to fish and opening  the oceans as his fishing ground, ensures his survival until his duties are all done. 

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