Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers ' Day Celebrations-OLL

Father David wishing all Fathers -
A very happy & Blessed
Father's Day!!

A packed congregation at the Lourdes community hall, to celebrate Father's Day-this Sunday morning!!!! Fathers!  Your Families and the whole community salutes you!! What a show case of appreciation to fathers-songs, poems-  entertainment  to serenade you guys!!.
Let's bless all Fathers
Fathers, sure are a shy lot- the brave
few who came forward to
cut the cakes.

Father David was present  in his capacity  as Parish Father to the flock at OLL, Klang.   Indeed, this is also  a day of celebrations for all priests -Parish Fathers as well!! You guys listen, teach and guide and many a time lend empathy  ears, when we needed a friend.

The serenading team
Ah! special blessings for Fathers as well!  Oh ! Pa Pa/s!!  What giant cakes!! Two huge lovelies in a row!! May you always have sweetness -everyday of your fatherhood!! Happy Father's Day one and all!!

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