Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day Draw

Golden  numbers for the picking but
get me IPAD or not??? 


Father's Day is also D Day -the long awaited  Raffle Draw day for all you generous supporters out there!!  Remember guys ,  the three IPADS 2  up for grabs ??? 
                                            Working Committee hard at work-  Checking & double checking the Raffle booklets                              
The Happening Draw took place  this morning, Sunday, 17th June 2012, @! the Lourdes community  hall Klang!!!  Were you there folks?? Were you one of the lucky winners??

                                           Briefing scrutineers -hows & whats                       Guys!  This is how it should be done

Alan Goh-organising the draw
What exciting moments!!  Hopes & Wishes!!Those who had bought the tickets were in the hall to witness  the very prim and proper draw of the lucky ticket numbers, complete with scrutineers and strict observances of procedures. Hoh! don't play!  play!! . Reminded Yours Truly of AGMs, Lotto draws...the numbered and coloured miniature (pin pong??)  balls, scrutineers,  randomly picked volunteers from the audience for the picking of numbers-one set for the consolation prizes and the other set for the main prizes. The public display of numbers drawn- visual and  written on the white board- , monitoring, verification, confirmation  etc..etc...Very Serious & official  lah!!

Ticket holders and the hopefuls were excited  and why not?? We were talking about IPADS- folks, three IPADS for a minimum investment   -who doesn't want to be a winner??? Hope was certainly floating in the air!!Yours Truly was also keeping her fingers crossed, as well- turned out one of her "investors" was a huge winner!! What suspense! What expectancy !...Big, big sighs, for some .... .... yeah,naturally winners were all  smiles !!! Congratulations people!!

This exercise is for Seniors Seniors from all angles,  you are all winners!! And to you generous supporters & donors out there, many thanks and  God Bless your generous hearts!!

Show the numbers drawn to the floor
& the scrutineers!

And we have a winner!!
All smiles -Steven Raj  with his winning

And now one for the album 
The Working Team,
& Who's this?? A very sporting and
supportive Brother Gregory Chan!!

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