Sunday, June 3, 2012

God a mystery???

Musings-Understanding the Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity is  Three Presence in One Supreme Being.... beyond our understanding and yet so clear that no understanding is required. To Marie, it clearly represents God the Father -the All Supreme..the One and only God of the cosmic and the universe.. Master of the heavens and the earth.......All ways lead to Him....and from Him...projects parts of Him, who came in deliverance- manifesting  the Creator's  Promise of Reconciliation and Redemption for mankind. After Salvation had been delivered,  fulfilling reconciliation and the healing of relationship between God and man.... ( accomplishment of God's Will)...the Holy Spirit, the Counsellor, the Comforter  is sent to be with His guide, to counsel,  to strengthen ..., to balance and provide  inspiring light, that makes this journey meaninfrul, that makes living purposeful. ...Didn't  He  promised...He will  not to leave his people orphans??? 

The Holy Trinity is  ONE Mighty Majestic Supreme Being-GOD .  One Divine Being, One Person -Three images,  each fulfilling their own significant  part of the divine plan....God's Plans  coming from ONE  Almighty source, the Godhead, the Person  of the Creating , Divine Father. It is part of God's plan- His Will , that it be so accomplished that the limited intelligence of the  human race may comprehend, to a certain extend..the process and purpose of His Plans. and His Great Love for them. The Power of His Divinity manifests the Holy Trinity of HIMSELF.. Whatever God wills, He accomplishes and makes possible!~ Anyone think otherwise??? Anyone care to join YT, in her bid to empty the ocean?? Bring along your little cups, we may  not be quite up to the task, but  we will surely, end up a lot wiser by the experience.  

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