Tuesday, June 26, 2012



It was part of the HRC Seniors Retreat  Programme, last weekend  to participate in the evening mass at HRC, before we called it a day; in thanksgiving for a safe trip;  also- not to miss the Eucharistic celebrations for the week. So, it was ,  that we were privy to yet  another interesting happening, to top up a fun weekend...... 

Parish Priest
Rev Father Joachim Tan

pleased with the good turn out
and support shown to our
East Malaysian and Indonesian community

We were told that it was the Kaamatan & Gawai Mass animated by the East Malaysian brethren, in thanksgiving for the bountiful harvest this year and it was to be celebrated in Bahasa Malaysia. Nothing, however,  prepared Yours Truly for the proud display of culture , the eye catching costumes beautifully worn by our East Malaysian brethren to celebrate their harvest festival, giving them an identity that is so uniquely theirs. The Harvest  festival is very much part  of their roots. Their attire added to the cultural tone of the occasion and you would  be forgiven, if you thought you were somewhere in Sabah! This writer was totally charmed, by the whole set up , gentle, polite  and beautiful smiles of those present for the celebrations, and  those lovely, lovely children! Ah! what wondrous grace you bless us with Lord!!

Rev Father Valentine Dompok
with members of the East Malaysian
In his homily,Father Valentine Dompok who presided over the celebrations,  described the Kaamatan & Gawai Mass,  as  cultural thanksgiving to God , using culture to express appreciation and gratitude to God for his Providence and bountiful harvest. Indeed! without God, can the fields be fertile and the crops flower in abundance for a fruitful harvest??  Way to go Father Valentine Dompok..very interactive and you made us laugh as well!!
After mass there was fellowship complete with a cultural show at the HRC community hall, and I tell you people, amazing range of goodies...with some very authentic East Malaysian dishes to booth! Intriguing taste, unusual...... .This writer took the opportunity to chomp into  each speciality just for the experience ...you don't get to eat  East Malaysian dishes everyday, unless you are over in the Eastern region-SOooooo... 
traditional dance 1
Traditional harvest dance 2

Congrats to our East Malaysian and  Indonesian community, who had gathered together to put up such a splendid show and made available the   beautiful sharing of cultural  celebrations and joy!!  

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