Monday, June 25, 2012

HRC Senior Citizen Retreat @ Port Dickson (June 23rd & 24th -2012)

It was a fabulously  fun filled weekend with the Seniors of Holy Redeemer Klang at their  Get Away -destination - the Baptist Centre in Port Dickson over the recent weekend. Truly,  a weekend of happening  which literally transformed Yours Truly and the rest of her fellow participants from matured and golden to  children  once more- young, agile, feisty !   No  inhibitions- jumping,clapping and cheering, as the activities ran its less than young primary school children!! ..Like Sports Day and there were so many events and relays to beat the hell out of competition and grab some prizes!!....Red, Blue, Green, Yellow House and YT was with the red team!  All without exception were eager to thrash competition, so you better watch out!! The air were ringing with  shouts of Oi! faster faster lah!! Run! Run !! Aiyoh!! don't know how to roll the hoopla hoop also ah??!! The not so fast ...go stand somewhere in the middle...

Alas! Yours Truly, could not scoop the sweets out of the plastic container...and was banished to stand towards the to lah?? her teeth just couldn't grip the plastic spoon firm enough to get the sweet out..those sweets  just kept  slipping from her plastic spoon, instead of climbing up and sitting firm !!! Talk about stomping on them!! Then there were water balloons, walking with an apple on the head, squeezing water into a water bottle, untying the knot... yeah! she did great, at least some of the events!!

Afternoon, with the sun beating down, it was indoor activities...sessions of tombola...First time YT heard of that word . Slips of paper and a pencil??? Whatever for?? But now, after the weekend, she would probably look you in the eye and say, Bingo!! Guess what??  She actually  Bingo twice and pick up a couple of neat prizes. Zillion thanks!!!
Zillion applause, be  happy always!!
Thanks for participating in our
Seniors Get Away Event
 lovely people from the Philippines
and Myanmar 
Hei guys, if you want to know about rooms and facilities. Here goes - Clean comfortable rooms with  aircond and water heater-that means hot water bath . High marks for cleanliness as well -  clean bath rooms too.   How did the organisers look after the welfare of our stomachs??? Plenty of good food, for the yumming.......water dispenser......let me try to count...western breakfast, morning tea, afternoon lunch (extra large portions) afternoon tea, followed by dinner .(again extra large servings) ..come evening....barbecued sweet corn and sausages and people! we were all stuffed right up to our noses!! Oh yah, not forgetting the birthday cakes for babies of June and guys! guys! we were also privileged to share in the happiness of  Ireneaus Bay and his beautiful wife Letty Lim- Married for 21 years!! May God bless you both with everlasting happiness , a golden wedding anniversary and   more!!# Ireneaus and his wife are not anywhere near the stage of seniors...they were there to  support  the seniors..lending  skills as a guitarist for the praise and worship session. Thanks both!!

The sea was lovely, the waves, a natural massager....and the evening sun mesmerizing ...guys...the picture speak for itself, have you ever seen anything as fantastic as this?? Looks cool doesn't it??

The night was equally interesting... There was the  Sing Along session of Oldies,and  while the generous workers of the Lord were having a "smashing  time" barbecuing sweet corns and sausages around the  roaring bon fire ,  us seniors were having a jolly good time singing  along to the lyrics of favourite oldies, having a gala time bonding with one another. The more energetic had a amazing time line dancing  Come on! Shake your bum a little! Keep up the good cheer.  Yes! That's it, move, exercise...keep your limbs strong and supple!  Good for blood circulation and muscle building.!
Peter Chan thanking Joseph, Michael and
Fransciso Max for all their help to make the
barbecue session such a great success.
The Sunday morning, Praise and Worship session was memorable -  soulfully conducted and full of heart. Thanksgiving,  gratitude, grace and harmony. Spirit inspired.!

Thanks guys, thanks for the relaxing time, the opportunity to interact and get to know more people and just be one of you!!

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