Friday, November 2, 2012

All Souls Day

This is the day, we remember our departed loved ones and we do it not only as individuals, families but also as a community. A universal church thing, remembering the departed as part of church..Death does not take away their status as members of Christ's body. That declaration is sweet balm to remembering hearts. 

I can almost see your glares...and  the unbelievable look in your mean you don't know?? Well, I would say, see, observe yeah, even carry out the act of remembering, going for mass without the realization. Dumb! you might say..but..humans do have split personalities...they are both intelligent and  dumb. Tell me if that is not true...

I am  awakened to that fact today that praying for the departed is a virtue and a blessing to those who had gone ahead...They need our prayers. Good to know that when we are gone..others continue to pray for us huh?? Brings to mind the old Chinese teachings, observe filial piety and it comes back to you many folds...

We are part of the land of souls and the living.

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