Saturday, November 10, 2012

Year of Faith-Formation-Revisiting Vatican II

At the Auditorium Wisma Lourdes
Time 9.00-4.30p.m.
Very attentive
So much to discuss
Wah! certainly not a one
day affair...takes time
to understand and absorb
Vatican II- what a  huge topic-real heavy  but the very Rev Deacon Dr. Sherman Kuek, Permanent Deacon of the Catholic church, was up to the task ,staying within the boundary and true to the context and subject...opting to quote from the  CCC and other relevant sources ...

YT would like to comment on the massive knowledge gained today,  but again, there could be a danger of misinterpretation so taking the cue, YT will  refrain from making any comments ...except to mention that many could be seen taking down notes, a clear indication that ministry leaders, BEC team leaders, RCIA facilitators  and all who attended  were eager to absorb knowledge and information . This is the year of faith and people are in readiness  to do things right...listen and abide by the teachings of the church. Yes, understanding Vatican II will certainly assist in paving the way forward. 

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