Sunday, November 25, 2012

Five Loaves and Two Fishes

A little boy was willing to share his five loaves and two fishes and the Lord blessed them and they multiplied. Not only were the five thousand fed, but after they had eaten, twelve basketful of left overs were collected....The wonders of the Lord.!!!

They were in a remote region and there was no food but .He did not sent the crowds away...He had compassion for them..Examine the words of the gospel...The Lord Jesus, looked up to heaven and gave thanks, then He broke the loaves....and the  hungry were fed.... The beauty and marvel of the Lord !! Even the Son give thanks to the Holy Father in Heaven, before a miracle could be performed...and we, the creations of God...forget to  appreciate and express our daily thank yous!!

This very action...manifested that a single act of charity could reach out to comfort multitudes across the horizon of need and the Lord God stands willing to bless and multiply in abundance good works, contributions  and actions of good hearts, that they energize and give life and hope  to the needy...Blessed are those who is more blessed to give than to receive..these contain a wealth  and depth of meanings...Reflect!!

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