Sunday, November 18, 2012

Health & Wealth Plus Talk on Will Writing-OLL-SCM

Sunday 18th Nov 2012

Dr. Tan & Dr. Louis David
giving care services 
The Health Screening and Consultation for Seniors together with the ever important Will Writing Talk went through very smoothly this morning at the community hall of Our Lady of Lourdes Klang.

Phileo and  nurses of the
Catholic Nurses Guild hard
at work
Good Support –around seventy SCM members and parishioners attended this event. Two doctors were on hand to attend to the seniors –Dr. Tan from a private hospital and Dr. Louis David from Klinik Jaffar Klang. Both had very kindly agreed to set aside some time from their busy schedule to provide free consultation- CARE services, this morning . Members who came, lined up and took their turns to see the two doctors. Two consultation rooms  were set up for the purpose. 

Another team-Phileo and the  retired nurses from the Catholic Nurses Guild also had a busy  morning checking the pressure and blood sugar of attendees.  The morning's  health service garnered BIG thumbs up from all attendees.  Among the crowd was Francis Benedict who had a broken arm as a result of a fall. He especially,   was most appreciative of the facilities provided.  

Later in the morning, Alan Goh, a lawyer, gave a talk on the importance of writing a will –touching on the legal and personal aspect. Writing a Will not only protects your assets but ensures that you take care and provide for your loved ones in the case of any eventuality .  The awakening for the day was -All should have a valid will  written as a security measure for their family and loved ones. 

There are a lot of horror stories floating around...when grief strikes...some people find themselves totally penniless even though their deceased loved ones may have plenty in their banking accounts and in term of assets. Sadly, they had forgotten one important Love providence - writing a will, giving their  surviving loved ones the right to their  assets.  Caring for loved ones means providing continued care especially when you are gone. 

Health is Wealth and so is Care for loved any eventuality! 


  1. Health is really most important for all and some people can don't trying to maintain it, so you can giving more nice information to share with us about health and that is really important for all.

    heart health

  2. Good to see that the lawyer was encouraging everyone to make a will - it can bring peace of mind
